Chapter Ten - Stubborn

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My eyes widened.

He won? Against three Sharks?

"They didn't know about the deal, so I figure it's still on– Ow, damnit!"

I looked down to his leg. I started sewing his cut without telling him. Whoops. "Sorry." I muttered, continuing to suture the gash closed.

"That sounded real sincere." He replied sarcastically.

I smiled. "So what's the deal- the one you mentioned." I asked.

"I made it with the top Shark. We're having a rumble next Sunday. Until then, no clashing fists. We aren't allowed to fight. That was the deal."

I hummed. Considering the things I'd heard about the Jets, it didn't make a lot of sense for this deal to even exist. They liked the violence– the conflict. It seemed out of character to agree to this deal.

"What are you thinking about down there?" He asked, although he sounded almost uninterested.

"Well," I pushed the needle through his skin again. He hardly even winced. "I don't quite understand why you agreed on the deal. I mean– don't you want the violence?"

I looked up to him. He took the lollipop out, and shoved a toothpick between his lips. "No one wants the violence, doll." He said. "I don't want to fight. And I don't want my friends to fight. I just don't like seeing people in pain all the time."

I paused my work so I could listen closer as he continued.

"That's why the rumble has to happen. One fight to end them all."

His eyes rolled over to mine. I almost stood, to meet his eyes more comfortably. I wanted to see him closer. But instead I looked back to my work and swallowed down my feelings. "I understand." I said.

To be honest, I didn't understand very well. Had the gangs even tried to talk it over? Have a genuine conversation about their issues?

Of course not...

When I was finished with the stitches, I cut and tied the string that I had been using to sew him up.

"So, what's the verdict?" Riff asked. "Will I ever dance again?"

He shot me half of a cocky, uneven smirk. I tried to hide my own smile and stood up, placing my materials back into my bag. "I'd give it a few days. It might cause you pain to move around too much right now."

He stood, looking down to his injury, which was exposed by his rolled up pant leg. With him sitting down, I almost forgot how much taller than me he was. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I haven't gotten a chance to look at your mouth yet... and I still need to put a bandage over that wound."

"With all respect, not a chance." He said, rolling down his pant leg. "I've got things to do. People to see."

"It'll get infected."

He shrugged. "It'll just make my skin thicker."

"That's really not how it works."

"It is if you don't think too hard."

"As a medical professional, I have to ask you to-"

"You? A doc?" He looked me up and down. "Hon, you look more like a hooker."

I gasped lightly.

What a douche.

"Sit." I commanded, standing in between him and the door. "And apologize."

He smirked. "Or what?" He asked irreverently, taking a step closer to me.

"You'll get a necrotizing soft tissue infection. And die."

His eyebrows raised slightly. "Sounds like a good time."

I exhaled in frustration. He sat back down onto the chair. "Do your worst, doc." He said.

My face softened in surprise. I hadn't expected that to actually work... I moved back to my bag and took out bandages and cotton. After shoving his right pant leg up, I was able to continue my work. "You're in no position to walk away from free medical attention." I said quietly. "And I don't take disrespect very well, just so you know."

He let out a 'hmph.' "You're spunky, ain't ya?" He commented.

"I'm just not the biggest fan of useless gender roles, that's all."

I gently tied the bandage around his wound. "Useless?" Riff repeated, looking down at me. "What, you wanna be the one to do all the hard stuff?"

I met his gaze and yanked on the bandage. He furrowed his eyebrows playfully, and mouthed 'ow' before smiling. He knew what he was doing— with his little taunting smile and stupid comments. But now wasn't the time for melodramatics. Especially now, seeing as I was finished with his leg. Now came the hard part. I looked away from Riff's face and swallowed nervously. There was a reason I had saved his bloody lip for last. I really, really didn't want to be given the opportunity to shamelessly stare at his lips.

Lord, help me.

Authors note:  EHEHEHHEHEE

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