Chapter Twenty Two - My Jet

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"Hiya, doll." Riff whispered.

He leaned over the windowsill, panting softly; likely because he just climbed three stories of disconnected balconies. "What are you doing here?" I quietly pressed. "Are you crazy?"

"I can get crazier, if that's what ya' like."

"Bernardo and Anita are in the other room!"

"Yeah, I figured."

"How did you know where I was?"

"You live with Maria. Tony told me. He said that uh, 'true love' carried him here."

"And what carried you here?"

He smiled. "My two feet, doll."

A scoff flew out of my mouth. "You need to leave. Now." I turned away from him.

I removed the hair band that I had worn during work and began redoing my ponytail. Anything to distract me from him. However, I faced his direction once more as soon as I heard movement. Riff tipped his head forward, and gracefully leaned down through the window. With this action, his face grew closer to mine. My hands slowed their movement as our eyes met. "Do ya' really want that?" He murmured.

My breath hitched in my throat. "Why are you here?" I asked quietly.

"Got bored. Figured I should check on you– make sure you're safe with these ruffians."

I plastered an unimpressed expression onto my face. He didn't falter. "Ya' know, playing hard-to-get doesn't work on me." He whispered.

"Really?" I tilted my head to the side. "Because I slapped you not even a day ago, and now here you are, outside my window."

Riff furrowed his eyebrows playfulfully, wearing an undefeated smirk. "Touché."

Laughter echoed from the dining room. Anxiety creeped into my pulse once more. "Forget it, just go." I urged.

"What, you don't want me to stay?"

"I'd really like it if you left." I placed a hand onto his chest and pushed lightly.

"You're gonna push me out the window?"

An exasperated huff left my lips. "Don't you have some random girl to kiss?"

He nudged forward, pressing his chest into my hand. "Yeah. She's standing right in front of me."

Lord, he was strong. "Keep dreaming, Jet." I pushed him harder.

He allowed himself be pushed away, but came right back. "Awe, come on. Any gal would go for a smart, good-looking guy like me."

I shook my head curtly. "You are not as smart as you think you are."

A winning grin emerged onto his face. "So you think I'm good-lookin'?"

He pulled a strand of hair out of my ponytail and twirled it around his finger before releasing it, and letting it fall down to frame my face. I shoved it behind my ear. "You're going to be the death of me." I muttered.

Mildly cold air from outside the window began dancing across my skin. "You know what I like about you, doll?" Riff's face traveled further towards mine. One of his hands gripped the top of the window for balance. "You ain't scared of me."

This time I didn't turn away from him. I couldn't will myself to. Against my better judgment, my eyes dragged down to his lips. "Who says I'm not scared?"

We couldn't have been more than three inches apart now. His eyes searched my face. "Are you?" He asked after a beat.

I felt a hand gently glide up the side of my hip, and settle on my waist. My body shivered to the touch. "Should I be?" I replied hesitantly.

Now his gaze matched my own, and settled on my lips. "I'm gonna kiss you." He murmured.

"That's a bad idea." I responded, my voice small.

"Yeah, probably." His hand gripped farther around my waist, and drew me even closer to him.

Our noses touched together. I exhaled quickly, and placed my hand on his chest once more. I didn't have the strength to push him away. His chest lifted and fell along with his laborious breaths. I tilted my head down, towards the floor. I felt his lips unintentionally sweep against my forehead. This prompted my return to his eyes, where I couldn't resist but ask weakly. "Why don't you just kiss me?"

He smiled, and tilted his head to fit mine, like puzzle pieces of fervent intimacy. Our lips brushed together. "You're sure ya' wanna get into all this?" He breathed into my parted mouth, his eyebrows furrowed, and gaze low.

"Maybe." I replied, closing in on his lips. He smiled.


"Hey Rose! Are you awake in there?"

Maria's voice flooded cold air into my lungs, inflating them so intensely that I feared they would break through my ribcage. I shot back, locking panicked eyes with Riff. "Go. Go!" I urged through sharp whispers, practically forcing him away from the window.

He obeyed my gestures and followed my lead, only pausing for a moment to speak. "Next time, I'm coming in there." He said with a smile, planting a firm kiss on my cheek before cascading down the metal balconies.

The door behind me opened. "It's cold in here!" Maria exclaimed. "Why is the window open?"

Extending my hands eagerly, I slammed the window shut. "I just needed some air." I said, gazing out into the alley.

In the distance, I saw a truck's headlights begin to glow, and a dog barking.

There's my Jet.

Authors note: they're thirstay for each othur

Trapped In Your Bleeding Heart (Riff x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now