Chapter Sixteen - Speakeasy

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Maria shuffled down the streets in my heels. "How do you plan on dancing in those?" I asked.

"Tony's love makes me fly on the wings of eternity." She sighed whimsically. "I have no need for earthly things like heels that fit."

I shook my head. "You are officially too much." I said.

"And you aren't enough!" She snapped back. "You said that you were in love just earlier this week! How are you not more like me?"

"Well, maybe I'm not in love, then." I said, opening the door to the club. "Yes. I'm pretty sure it's nothing."

The first thing I saw was a flash of light on a packed dance floor– with Riff dancing in the middle of it.

"Nevermind." I said.

Maria squealed with joy. "It's beautiful here! Look at the lights!"

She dragged me further into the room, but my eyes stayed stuck on Riff. He was a good dancer. A very good dancer. And I knew he was a good dancer, but now– observing him like this– it was thrilling. My eyes trailed over his striking features with a want that I would never vocalize. I began walking away from Maria, and towards Riff. But then she came into view. She wore a tight red dress, and tall black heels.

Surely you can't dance in that.

It seems that she didn't intend on dancing anyway. She wrapped her hands around Riff's neck, stopping his dancing. His eyes trailed over her, but he wore an indifferent expression. Suddenly, their lips connected. I gasped, and stumbled backwards. Large hands caught me. "Watch out–" He looked down at me. "Oh, hey Rose."

It was Diesel. "Hi, Diesel." I responded.

"Didn't know you were a club girl."

"I'm not sure I am."

"Well, want to find out?" He outreached a hand to me. "Jazz is kind of my thing."

I glanced back to Riff, who was still with that girl. That blonde.

What was it that he called her?


I looked up to Riff's face. He was staring at me now, his hands wrapped around Zella's waist. "It's funny you say that, Diesel." I took his hand in mine, and guided it to my waist. "Jazz is 'kind of my thing,' too."

He pulled me closer to him and smirked. "I'm in luck."

Dancing provocatively could always be fun, even if not with your partner of choice. And I allowed our hips to brush together multiple times. If not me, Diesel was certainly enjoying our time together. I let my eyes sneak over towards Riff's direction once more. He was staring at me, still, but now with a seemingly annoyed expression. I pretended to not see him. I couldn't help but be upset. To think, I had high hopes for this night. Obviously, Riff just wanted me to become another Jet-Jug, following the gang around with open arms for anyone that would have me.

Well that's not me.

When the song came to a close, I thanked Diesel for the dance and left to find Maria. Just as I assumed, she had found Tony and was happily chatting with him. I was slightly relieved; I would've felt terrible if something happened to her. "I hope you don't expect her to dance, Tony." I teased as I approached the pair.

"Oh, be quiet!" Maria jabbed back. "My shoes aren't that big!"

The next song began to play. It was a slow, sensual tune that danced through the air like the hot second hand smoke that surrounded the dance floor. Even without liquor, I felt intoxicated by the music.

"Hiya, doll."

I shot my eyes open. I had hardly noticed that they closed in the first place. Tony and Maria were no longer in my eyeline. I turned around, towards Riff's voice. "Having fun?" He asked.

An eye roll wasn't needed to tell I was irritated. "My lawyer says I don't have to answer that." I responded.

An uneven smile shot onto Riff's face. He fidgeted with the toothpick that sat in his mouth. "You looked like you were having fun." He said.

Excuse me?

I brushed my dress down. "We must have different ideas of fun."

"Maybe I could show you mine, then."

My mouth fell agape. Without thinking, my hand slapped him straight across the face. "You must be ill!" I snapped.

I scoffed, and turned towards the exit. I needed to get out of there.

Authors note: someone's a little possessive 😳 to be fair, Riff really knows how to say the wrong thing

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