Chapter Fifteen - Invitation

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"But it could affect all of us!" Snowboy called out.

Riff locked eyes with Snowboy. "We'll talk about this later."

Snowyboy shook his head in disbelief. "But–"

"That's enough." I pushed past Riff and Diesel, and grabbed Maria's hand. "Come on," I said. "Let's just get out of here."

These guys would never understand, would they? Tony and Riff both followed close behind when Maria and I left the diner. "Wait!" Tony called. Maria stopped and turned back immediately. Of course she did.

"When can I see you again?" Tony asked.

As Maria and Tony connected once more, Riff and I locked eyes. Why did he come out alongside Tony? The sun highlighted his blue eyes. They were an icy color, but had a warm glow to them. They were beautiful. He was beautiful. And he was looking at me, still. Just like the night before, at Doc's. I took a step closer to him.

"'When can I see you again?'" I repeated Tony's question.

Riff took a step towards me. I swallowed. "Because– I work a lot." I added.

Riff shrugged. "So do I." He replied.

"I'm busy most weekends. Treating injuries."

"I'm busy most weekends. Getting into fights."

I smiled. "I live in a dangerous area."

He smiled. "Pretty much everywhere I go becomes a dangerous area."

"Well," I tilted my head to the right. "I'm free tomorrow night."

"What a coincidence." He replied. "My Jets and I are going to a club tomorrow night."

"Then I guess I'll be there."

"Sure you will."

"Are Puerto Ricans allowed?"

"Sharks ain't."

"But girls?"

"Sure thing."

I glanced back at Maria. She was secured in Tony's arms. "I'll see you tomorrow night, then." I said.

Riff smirked and grabbed my hand. My attention shot back to him. With his free hand, he took the cigarette out of his mouth and flicked it onto the street. He didn't break our eye contact as he placed a slow, triumphant kiss onto the back of my hand. "Until then, doll." He farewelled.

. . .

Until then...

Was this a date? No, certainly not. It was a Monday night. At a jazz club. And an entire gang was going. It was a party, not a date.

As soon as we got home from work the next day, Maria had been digging through our closet, picking out just about every dress that would fit her. There was rarely silence between us, for we just got along so well. But tonight our shared words were hushed and filled with excitement. We couldn't let Anita and Bernardo wake up, after all. "It needs to be perfect! I need to look old– at least, old enough to get into a bar." Maria said.

"A speakeasy." I corrected. "It's a jazz club, not some bar."

"That just means I need to look even better!" She cried.

A small laugh escaped my lips. "Why are you anxious about looking old, anyway? You're eighteen. You're allowed in clubs."

Maria thought for a moment. "I just want to avoid unnecessary interactions." Is what she settled on.

Is it because...

I hummed. "... Want me to do your makeup?"

Maria lit up. "Oh, Rose!"

"Well, you have to choose a dress first. I couldn't have you going out with clashing colors on your face and outfit."

She nodded enthusiastically and began rummaging through the dresses in a very determined fashion. Most were mine, but if anything, I was flattered that she felt comfortable enough with me to treat my clothes in such a way. I loved having a family. Suddenly, Maria froze. "We are going to sneak out." She stated in a daze.

"Yes." I said, looking to her. I paused when her devastated expression didn't fade. "You've known this since the minute you were invited. Come on, Mare."

"I'm fine with it!"

I looked at her skeptically. She sighed. "I'm already in love with a white boy. I might as well sneak out."

Her conscience was going to be the death of her. It was regrettably amusing. "Lord, save us." I muttered, turning towards the closet. "How am I supposed to choose an outfit when most of my clothes are sprawled on the floor?"

Maria pointed at my mattress. "Hey, not all of them are on the floor– some are on the bed!"

I let out a breath. "Well thank goodness for that." I replied.

My eyes caught on a small pear green dress I had received for Christmas two years prior. Immediately I knew it was perfect for the occasion.

(This dress is from the seller XTABAY VINTAGE

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(This dress is from the seller XTABAY VINTAGE. It's entitled, "Vintage 1950's Iridescent Green Strapless Party Dress")

I flung the dress over my head and popped my arms through the top. "What do we think? Does it scream, 'I'm so sophisticated, I come to speakeasies all the time'?" I asked, fluffing my hair.

Maria giggled. "Oh, yes! It looks beautiful!"

"Then let's get ready to hit the town, chica!"

Author's note: All I can think of is that one song from "In The Heights"

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