Chapter Thirty Six - Touch

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It had been over half an hour, but the pouring rain only continued to cascade from the dark sky. Beside the bed, I watched the droplets race down the chilled window.

Above me, the lights still hung empty and unlit. Behind me laid Riff, his tall, built body curving to frame mine. His fingers traced swirls down my arm and hip. His lips rested gently atop my shoulder.
There we stayed.

I assumed he was watching the rain as well, until he spoke.

"You're so beautiful."

It was barely a murmur through the rain.

He trailed a finger down the bridge of my nose.
Just three words and I was melting into him, meeting his hand with mine, rolling my head to rest against his. I couldn't have looked very beautiful at all, with my disheveled hair disbanded all over the place, my lipstick smeared, my body ruined...

Not ruined. No, my body was... different. I could feel it in my skin. In the way I felt, and thought. Everything was different now.

God, what have I done.

"When does the fighting end?" I asked, and I wasn't sure where it came from. "Does it end when someone drops, or when there aren't any men left standing?"

"Don't ask me about that, come on now..." He propped himself up, and leaned over me. "I'm gonna be standin', isn't that all that matters?"

His lips enveloped mine, and my stress melted away. Not my worry, though. I wanted to say more. I wanted to go crazy. 

But Riff, what if I've given all of myself to you, and you leave me?

His eyes were oceans of everything. Blue and green and brown and magic. Pale like fresh bruises, sensitive, driven. And they looked at me with more vulnerability than I'd ever seen. His mouth was a shield for that vulnerability. "Do you need anything... a glass of water, or somethin'?"

He was still concerned, still worried that I regretted what we'd done.

Regret wasn't the word I felt, but I was scared. Scared of regretting it. And I wanted to speak again.

Please, don't make me want to take it back. Don't fall. Don't make me regret you.

I swallowed. "Would you call off the rumble if I asked you to?"

A beat.
I rolled onto my back, and Riff's hand immediately adjusted to my stomach. His thumb rubbed back and forth, back and forth. I wasn't sure if he even noticed it - his need to touch me, monitor me with his hands, his eyes, his voice. With a gentle finger, he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I wake up every morning to more of my life being taken away." He sounded so sure, but his throat bobbed as he continued. "We're barely surviving, doll. I need you to be on my team with this shit."

I didn't have a choice. I was too in love to not see through his eyes. The jets were a mess. He loved those boys more than anything, and they were falling apart around him.

"I'm on your team." I ran my fingers through his mess of hair, and found the lightness to smile. "I'm your jet."

Now when he kissed me, it was deep. Thankful. "What would I do without you?" He whispered into my lips.

He talked to me like he could tell me anything. Trust me with anything. Was it because I gave myself to him? Trusted him with my love, and my body? Maybe he saw me open up, and met me with the sweetest words he could find.

I pulled back and cringed. "Some water would be great, now that I think on it. My voice... hurts."

With those words, it seemed to sink in that we hadn't been quiet, and Riff's bedroom wasn't exactly soundproof. I bit my cheek.

Riff wore a cocky half-smile, the kind that tugged at the corners of his mouth and melted away every thought in my head.


Upon my official request, he popped out of bed, not bothering to pull on more than a pair of pants and two mismatched socks before leaving his room. I watched every twitching muscle, every stretching nerve in his body. My mouth watered.
The door closed behind him.

Not even two seconds after he left for the kitchen, the living room broke into applause. I couldn't help but laugh. When the clapping settled, I could hear Riff laughing, too.

A voice broke through the noise—Ice's. "We were wondering when you two were finally gonna get it on!"

Mouthpiece was the next to comment. "Good job gettin' to pound town, captain!"

"Does this mean she'll finally be your girlfriend?" Another added.

"Dolly? A jet jug? Never—"

"You still don't deserve her," a pause, "but it sounded like you gave her a good time!"

Light laughter and more clapping filled the room, but that's all Riff could take. In a playful yet assertive tone, he cut them all off. "The next one to joke about me living in my own apartment will get kicked out of my apartment, clear?" He said. "And if any of you tease Dolly, you'll wake up without teeth."

Nothing but silence and quiet acknowledgement could be heard. That was, until Tony's weak voice cut in. "Hey, Riff. One more thing—"

Two boys immediately shushed him. There was a beat before Tony continued, his tone amused. "Action and Tiger were doing a dramatic reenactment—based on what we heard from in there."

Everyone broke out into more laughter. My hand flew to my mouth as I struggled to keep my composure. "Idiots. You're all idiots." Riff countered to no avail. His steps grew louder as he continued. "It's my house - I can do what I want in it!"

Snowboy called from behind him. "You can do who you want in it, too!"

Tiger barked. "Give her a kiss for me!"

"Me too!" Another added.

The door handle slowly turned. "You know what?" Riff remarked. "I will!"

With that he was back, slamming the door behind him. He held a whiskey glass filled with water. I sat up sorely, bringing the sheets with me to cover my bare breasts. "So they didn't hear anything, right?" I asked.

Riff took sultry steps over to my side of the mattress. "Nothing but silence." He smirked, handing me the glass.

I took two quiet sips of water before noticing his staring.


"Did it hurt?" He asked.

I scoffed and took another drink. "What—when I fell from heaven?"

He took the glass from my hands. "When I was inside of you."

I almost choked. Riff looked almost satisfied, and took a swig of my water. I raised an eyebrow. "No, it didn't hurt." I took the glass back from him. "In fact, I could barely feel it."

His sharp jaw tensed. "Want me to make you feel it?"

I dropped the sheet covering my breasts. "Think you have the stamina?"

Once more he snatched the water from me, this time spilling some on the floor. His free hand whipped his belt off with effective maneuvering. He ripped the sheets from the rest of my body, leaving me exposed once again. "I was goin' easy on you, too..." he muttered, climbing on top of me. "Trying to be nice—polite."

He bit into my neck, and I yipped. "I give, I give!" I squealed, grappling for a pillow beside me.

He laughed. "What, backing out now?"

I hit him with a pillow. He scoffed. "Playing dirty?"

"Playing desperate—" I wriggled under him. "My hips are sore just from this..." 

He almost winced, and dismounted me. "I guess I'll give you some recovery time, jet."

And once again he was gentle, all hands running along my skin. They grazed over my nipples and down my hips.

My eyes fluttered shut.

Authors note: what if it all went wrong lol

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