Chapter Fourteen - You're Beautiful

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"Your wrist–" I grabbed the hand I had previously noticed. "You dislocated it just yesterday. How could you act so brashly?"

Both of his hands were bleeding again– all the cuts and bruises from the day before reddening and crying out once more. How often did he get in fights? "You should control your temper." I added, guiding him back to the booth where Maria and I had been sitting.

"They always look like that, it's nothing to sweat about." He explained casually, as if I were overreacting.

I inspected his wrist. After setting it the night before, I had put it in a sling— but obviously Riff didn't put much effort into maintaining his healing injuries. After a considerable about of focused silence, I decided to speak once more. "No wonder you refused to go to a doctor." I remarked, running two fingers along his wrist ligaments. "Why would you pay money for medical care that you were going to ignore?"

"Exactly." He replied, using his free hand to place a cigarette in his mouth.

I scoffed and plucked the cigarette away from him. "Do you mind?" I lightly snapped, continuing the examination.

A smile grew onto Riff's face. "You're beautiful."

I froze. I could feel my throat tighten. I tried to shake off the statement immediately.

God, maybe I need a cigarette.

I coughed, and then cleared my throat. "You should watch what you say." I managed to choke out, focusing extra hard on his injured wrist.

"Why's that?"

"Well," I paused, "it's no wonder you get into so many fights. Saying all those things you couldn't possibly mean."

I could feel his expression change, although I avoided his eyes. "I always mean what I say." He stated.

"That is less than likely." I shot back.

"What, you don't believe me?"

"I struggle to."

"You're beautiful."

This time I looked up to him, searching his face for fake sincerity. I found none.

"Now you believe me?" He asked with a playful smile.

I swallowed, and looked down again. "I bet that works very often." I said.

"I wouldn't know. I don't find people beautiful very often." He replied.

"Do you always follow up with that?" I asked.

Riff paused, and then chuckled, taking the cigarette back from my hand. "You're a smart ass." He said, although it sounded like a compliment.

I watched as he held the cigarette between his teeth. I tried to distract myself with his injured wrist, but soon found myself unable to remain quiet. "...Smoking is bad for you..." I trailed off, wishing I didn't care so much.

Riff took a lighter out of his pocket. "I know, but it makes me look cool in front of the other kids."

"And you really have to do it inside?"

Smoke puffed out of his mouth. "Yeah, my doctor said I needed tar in my lungs. What can ya do?"

I scoffed, and waved away the smoke. "I thought you didn't go to doctors."

"Well, why would I have to- when you show up everywhere I go?"

I eyed him. He lifted his eyebrows and puffed the cigarette. "Not that I don't enjoy your company." He added.

Smoke escaped his lips when he spoke. I hated to admit that it was infuriatingly stirring to watch. He was so attractive– too attractive for his own good. He made the scent of harsh nicotine smell sweet. I swallowed my hidden thrill and retracted my hands from his wrist. "Well, you didn't re-dislocate it, which is good." I said.

"What a relief." He said sarcastically, his eyes on me. There was something brooding hidden behind his gaze. It made my heart quicken.

I figured to ignore the rest of the cuts and bruises from his fists. I believed him– when he had told me his hands were always in that condition. After seeing the way he jumped the man that had touched me with no hesitation. Oh, ew. I had almost forgotten about the unfortunate circumstance in which Riff and I began to converse once more. A small shiver ran down my spin, and settled on where the man had grabbed me.

"You ok over there?" Riff asked.

Before I could respond, there was shouting from behind me. "Leave us alone!" I heard Tony state avidly.

Riff rose coolly to a stand, and approached the scene. I wondered if he always charged so fearlessly into conflict. It reminded me of the gym mixer, when he stormed into the yelling. I stood as well, and followed close behind him. Maria and Tony were standing away from the small group of Jets, hands interlocked. I sighed. This wasn't going to be good.

"Come on, Tony. A 'Rican girl?" Diesel asked fiendishly.

Riff held onto my wrist with a soft grip and gently guided me behind him. "Let's all just calm down." He said towards the group of boys.

Snowboy scoffed dramatically. "You ain't see what us saw, Riff!" He said. "They were all cuddled up, holdin' hands and smilin' at each other!"

"What, are you jealous?" Riff asked flatly, tilting his head slightly.

The Jets looked utterly shocked. "H-How are you okay with this?" Mouthpiece asked.

Riff stood a bit taller, though he didn't need the extra height. He rolled his shoulders back and blew out a long, slow cloud of smoke. "It's not our mistake to make." He said.


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