Chapter Thirty Five - Complete Me 🍋

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Not ten seconds after the power blew, jets were banging on Riff's door. He was a sight to behold, standing in the stormy light of the window. His silhouette sent shivers down my legs. Still, he remained silent - fixed on me.

More knocking, this time with a jet's voice. "Riff? I think we lost power..."

And the door slowly creaked open.

And now a dozen jets were peering into the room. Peering at Riff in nothing but a towel, his eyes on me. And where was I? Lying on his bed with my legs spread, and one of my sleeves hanging off of my shoulder.

And the door slowly creaked closed.

I expected a chuckle, a snarky remark, but no. As soon as the jets left, the tone changed. Alone again, in the dark, lusting more than we ever had before. It was an urgent situation.

Taking slow, deliberate steps, Riff walked to the door and locked it.

"I'm gonna fuck you." Riff said. His tone cracked like thunder through the sky. "Is that alright, doll?"

I almost moaned in reply. Never had anyone made me feel this way. My body was cold, shivering, and at the same time, I was burning. Desperate. I let my sleeve droop down to reveal more of my skin before saying, "Do as you please, as long as you kiss me while you do it."

Rain crashed against the roof as hard as hail. Riff's smile gleamed through the sunless atmosphere. "I wouldn't dream of doin' it any other way."

In a crack of thunder he was on top of me, kissing me. His hands clutched anywhere he could reach. Finally given the freedom to follow my desires, I held him as close as I could manage, letting my fingers run through his hair and trail down his back. They settled on his towel and pulled and pushed on the fabric until it finally loosed.

Given the green light, Riff practically ripped my clothes off. He yanked at my dress, pulling the buttons apart until it slipped down my body. While he was at my feet, he tore my tights off. My body recoiled, nervous, so suddenly exposed.

Riff came up between my legs and ground against my underwear. I couldn't get my mouth on his fast enough. Couldn't get enough of his skin on mine. He was my only warmth. My only passion. I was shaking with anticipation, devouring everything I could while starving all at once.

I pushed up onto my elbows, allowing Riff to reach around my back and unlatch my brassiere. He discarded it to the ground carelessly and attacked my revealed skin. I couldn't suppress my hot breaths as he grated his teeth against my collarbone. His mouth traced further down until he was running his tongue along one of my breasts and groping the other with his large, callused hand.

There was no time for critical thinking. No sense in hesitation. But a thought did strike me as important to share when Riff traced his long fingers against my underwear. "I—" my voice caught in my throat, "I've never done this before."

He froze, and for a moment, his grip on me loosed. Our eyes met, and he looked a bit distraught. "Well, shit." His eyes wandered for a moment. "You shoulda told me earlier, I would've at least bought you flowers..."

Maybe it was the adrenaline, but I laughed. "Is that wordplay on how you're deflowering me?" I asked.

A smile pricked his lips as he shook his head, sliding his hands across my bare skin.  "I don't want ya' to think this is nothing'. You aren't just somebody in my bed, alright?"

With what weak grip I had, I clutched one of his shoulders and kissed the corner of his mouth. "I know that. I know you enough to know that."

He just smiled at me. Maybe I didn't know much, but the way he looked at me in that moment made me feel more loved than I'd felt in my entire life.

Trapped In Your Bleeding Heart (Riff x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now