Chapter Nine - Doc's

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A few moments after the initial knock, Anita came into the room. Maria was staring towards the wall now, avoiding Anita's gaze. I internally sighed. Was this how it was going to be for the next couple of weeks? "I'm sorry about your dance, but you should know better." She said to Maria.

"Déjame en paz. I'm not interested in hearing what you— or Bernardo has to say." Maria said.

Anita nodded, looking to me before closing the door. I could tell she felt bad. She was much more understanding than Bernardo when it came to the non-Puerto Rican population. Once again, Maria and I were left alone. "Rose, pardon me for asking this of you, but..." She looked out the window. Through the blinds, I could see Tony reappearing. "Would you mind leaving us alone?"

I stared blankly at her for a moment, and then stood straighter.

What exactly are they planning to do?

I thought for a moment. "I wanted to go to a place near here anyway." I said. "There's a woman I'd like to speak with."

I grabbed my bag and shoved my shoes on before tying my hair up and out of my face. I exited the room and shot for the front door, hoping no one would see me. "... Rose? Where are you going?" Anita asked. She was sitting next to Bernardo now, holding his hand and resting her head on his shoulder.

I turned back to the pair, and readjusted my backpack. "I think Maria needs some time alone, even from me." I said. "I'm going to take a short walk."

Bernardo furrowed his eyebrows. "It's getting late. It's not safe."

"I'll just be around the building. Nowhere dangerous, I promise."

He hummed skeptically. I grabbed my spare key and left.

That woman, Valentina. She said she had a place called Doc's, right? I might as well head there. I could gather medication that will be helpful for my next trip to the underside.

I got to the street just in time to see the last of the evening light fading away into the horizons. Passing through streets and next to buildings almost felt like chasing the fading sun— like if I just passed enough cityscape, I would be able to see the sunset once more. Of course that was ridiculous, so I followed the crosswalks without looking to the sky. It was dark, anyway.

. . .

Just down the road I could now see Valentina's store. The 'OPEN' sign illuminated the air around it. I crossed the street and into the store. Small bells jingled as I walked in. Valentina was no where to be found. I looked around, seeing small candies and chocolates which lined the shelves of the store. I found it curious that, even though Valentina was Puerto Rican, she ran a drug store closer to the Jets' side of town.

I set my bag down next to a desk and browsed the isles, looking through the materials available to me. I glanced down at a bottle of witch-hazel, and felt my eyes light up. That would be extremely helpful to have with me. General ointments that could be used on multiple wounds were very necessary considering I never had any idea what injuries I would be treating in the underside.

Suddenly, I heard voices from below me. It sounded like...

There's no way...

"So you have no idea where he is?"

"No." Valentina's voice stated.

"What if he's got himself in trouble?"

"Well he couldn't possibly be in more trouble than you, could he?"

It sounded like the two voices were climbing up stairs now, although I couldn't locate where the noise was coming from. I heard Valentina continue.

"Seriously, Riff, go to a hospital. Or get a doctor." She said.

There is just absolutely no way...

A door leading to the staircase opened when she delivered her next line.

"Getting jumped by four men isn't a joke, imbécil." She said. "You may be a little twat to me, but I still watched you grow up. You— all of you little rascals— need to pull it together."

Now I could see them in full frame. Valentina and Riff had been the ones talking.

Then, when I ran away from that scene earlier...

Did three more Sharks come and rough him up?

Riff still stood tall, although he leaned his weight to the left, indicating his right leg was injured. He had many more bruises on his knuckles now, and his nose looked like it had been bleeding for a considerable amount of time— not to mention he had blood seemingly in and around his lips. He held his left wrist in his right hand, and by the looks of it, that wrist was fractured. From top to bottom, he was covered in bruises and cuts- not to mention blood.

Now I know why Valentina told him to see a doctor...

My eyes traveled back down to the witch-hazel.

Maybe this wasn't the best time to pop by, after all.

In attempt to set the bottle back onto the shelf, I nearly knocked over two other bottles. I caught them quickly and set all three up the way I had found them.


"Man, you again?" Riff's voice dully teased. "I thought it was a coincidence, but now I'm thinkin' it outta be fate."

When I looked back to Valentina and him, they were staring at me. Obviously. "Sorry to intrude..." I trailed off. "I thought you were open. It was my mistake."

I went to grab my bag, but before I could, Valentina grabbed my right wrist and pulled me up again. Riff continued to look at me. Damn, those injuries looked like they hurt. "Sparky! Lord did you come by at the right time!" She exclaimed.

My cheeks reddened with her embarrassing name for me. "Riff refuses to see a medical professional, but is in no state to just go home." Valentina continued.

I took another look at him. "What do you want me to do?" I asked.

Valentina picked up the witch-hazel I had been admiring. She handed it to me and smiled. "Do your magic."

. . .

Reluctantly, Riff was sitting on a chair next to the desk I had set my bag down by. It took convincing— and bribing— but Valentina finally got him to accept help. So far, I had popped his wrist back into place, stopped his nose from bleeding, and taken a look at the cut that resided on his lower right leg. "It might need a couple stitches, if that's okay with you." I said.

Riff didn't say anything. He simply watched me with low lidded eyes, a lollipop in his mouth. "Sure thing, doll." He slurred past the candy.

I swallowed harshly. That nickname flustered me more than I would've liked to admit. I took out the suture kit I had in my backpack and unzipped the case. "So," I began, picking the thread out of my bag. "what happened?"

I sanitized the needle and looked towards the gash once more. "An unfair fight." He replied.

I hummed. "Well, you can't win every fight that comes your way."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh, I won." He said. "I just got roughed up in the process. It was bullshit."


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