Chapter Twelve - Realization

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"I can die happy now." Maria said, smiling through her words.

"How about you try to live happy, first?" I replied, unzipping the back of my dress.

"True love really does exist. And mine is Tony. Only Tony." She got up and spun around, now holding the hairbrush like a wedding bouquet.

"So it went well, then." I said, slipping my dress off.

"Oh, yes. Yes yes yes! Thank you so much for giving us privacy, it means the world to me, really." She said. There was a beat of silence, and then she squealed with excitement. "You're just the best!"

"That's me." I said unenthusiastically. "The best."

Maria set the brush down and climbed to her bunk. She peered down at me. "So, where was it that you went?" She asked.

"I just took a walk."

"... For two hours?"

"... Yes?"

She looked at me skeptically. "Where were you really?"

I sighed. "At this place called Doc's."

Maria gasped. "You were at Doc's? Tony lives at Doc's!"


I thought for a moment. When Riff was there, he was looking for someone. Was it Tony? "Well that's a coincidence." I said. "I ran into someone there, it was— um– Riff."

She gasped. Again. "Are you okay? ¿Qué sucedió?"

"Nothing happened, I'm fine." I paused, kicking off my shoes. "He was nice to me."

"He's not nice to anyone! He's the leader of the Jets!" She cried.

"Doesn't Tony lead the Jets alongside him?" I asked.

She hesitated. "Well," She began. "He's different. He's gentle. He would never hurt anyone."

I thought back to that night. Riff did beat up three Sharks, so maybe it wasn't the best time to play devil's advocate. "I'm just glad you're okay. That man– Riff– he's dangerous."

"I know, Mare." I got into my bed. "I know."

. . .

The next morning, I woke up with a song stuck in my head. "Waltzing in Dreamland" By Alan Moorhouse. It was the song Riff and I had waltzed to the night prior. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. I began humming the song, waltzing with myself around the room. It was Sunday, my only day completely off of any job or responsibility. I danced to Maria and I's closet and picked out a simple white lace dress.

( This dress is from the seller simplicityisbliss on Etsy!)

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( This dress is from the seller simplicityisbliss on Etsy!)

I wouldn't admit my liking to Riff, not with all of this chaos and violence going around. But I could at least think back fondly on a good dance. Anyone could appreciate a good dance. Maria sat up in her bunk, resting her cheek on her hand and letting out a lovesick sigh. I mimicked her sigh, and smiled when she glared down at me. "If you were in love, you would understand." She said.

"Understand what?" I asked.

"What I feel!"

"Well, what do you feel?"

She hummed. "Happy. And all fluttery!"

I shook my head. Maria paused, continuing her explanation, unbothered by my lack of understanding. "And a bit scared. But not, at the same time."

My eyes softened. I felt all of those things, too. But not for Tony, for...

"And whenever I think of him, my heart squeezes itself!" She exclaimed, interrupting my thoughts.

"My lord..." I said, taken aback.

Was I in love with Riff?

No, no there's no way.

"What?" Maria asked.

"When you think about him. Tony. Do you feel kind of nervous? But excited?"


"Do you want to be closer to him all the time? Like there's a magnet pulling you together?"


"Is equally nerve racking and thrilling to be around?"


"Does his smile make you weak?"


"And that means... that you're in love with him?"

She giggled. "Yes!"

"Oh no!" I cried.

"What?" She came to my side and put a hand on my arm. "Are you okay?"

"No! I'm not okay! I'm in love!"

. . .

Maria'a face filled with surprise. "Rose, that's wonderful! Who are you in love with?"

I looked at her, mortified. "R–"

Bernardo burst into the room. "What's happening? Who's hurt?" He asked loudly.

Maria and I froze, and then Maria broke into a fit of giggles. "No one!" She answered cheerfully.

He deadpanned. "Then why are you both screaming?" He asked.

"Because we are in love!" Maria exclaimed, grabbing my hands and spinning me around the room.

"Oh Dios mío!" Bernardo tossed his hands up firmly and walked out of the room.

"Don't mind him," Maria said, shutting him out, "he's just angry because Anita has work today."

I hummed. "I wish I was a seamstress. It would beat cleaning."

"At least we work together!"

I made a 'hmph' sound. "Not for long. I'm going uptown to look for a job today."

Maria deflated. "Mi pobre corazón..."

I began to brush my hair. My head lit up with an idea, and a smile grew onto my face. "You should come with me!"

Maria didn't have the same reaction to my idea. "I cannot come with you." She said, "Es peligroso. It would be too risky."

"But you haven't heard the rest of my idea!" I stood and opened the closet, pulling out Maria's favorite daytime dress. "The Jets are uptown!"

She shook her head. "Yes! Exactly! The Jets are upto– oh. Oh!" She brightened. "Tony will be with the Jets!"

"He sure will!" I gave her the dress and returned to the vanity.

Authors note: I love writing this book 🥰

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