4. "do you really want me to leave?"

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"Alright everyone, that concludes our first class. I enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you and I look forward to the rest of our term together. Make sure you guys go over your syllabus and get comfortable with your assigned partner, because that is your partner until the end of the term. Have a great day." Professor Anoma said. 

Kian and I walk out of the only class we had together and ironically enough, he's my partner for the rest of the term...Thank God.

"It's a good thing we're partners because you look like you wanted to kill everyone in there today." Kian whispered.

"Because I did."

We stepped out into the courtyard, the heat is overbearing. I'm pretty accustomed to New York weather, so New Orleans weather was a huge change. Usually the later it got, the cooler it got– not out here it didn't. We sat on one of the benches and I pulled out a Camel. One long inhale and I felt impulses and irritation swim to the back of my mind.

"Better?" Kian lit his newport.


We sat there in silence, eyes set on the different shit going on around campus. Girls laughing obnoxiously loud about shit that probably wasn't funny, guys checking out other girls and swapping stupid stories, loners like myself sitting and reading or smoking. I felt myself start to tune out everyone else's energies, when one in particular put me so on edge that the hairs on the back of my neck and my arms stood up.

Out of our residence hall comes a tall pale well-built man in a crisp all-black Ermenegildo Zegna Bespoke suit, a $16,000 black Bvlgari Octo Finissimo watch, Black Bvlgari sunglasses to match and Dior Timeless dress shoes. What a man of his expenses is doing in New Orleans is beyond me, but something is definitely off about him.

I watched as he confidently walked his way through campus with his phone glued to his ear speaking in Russian. In front of him were five men; their senses completely heightened and in tune to everything around them.

"His entire wardrobe is out of my tax bracket. Fuck is he doing on campus?" Kian asked.

I couldn't bring myself to respond to Kian because I couldn't seem to shake how uncomfortable this rich motherfucker made me. Just as I was about to tell Kian let's head out, he stops and turns to me. I watched him slowly remove his sunglasses and I immediately knew who he was. The only other person I have ever seen with a set of iridescent blue eyes like that was Videsta. The man raised his brow and smirked. He sent a wink my way and proceeded to exit campus with his entourage surrounding him. Kian and I stood up and were completely stunned.

"Did he just wink at you?" He asked

I put out my cigarette and my heart immediately started to pick up speed.

"I'll be right back." I said and Kian nodded.

I nodded back and jogged towards the inside of the residence hall. 

Speeding past everyone in our residence hall earns me some questionable looks that I ignored. Seemed like the prick is her father and be that as it may, I had a terrible feeling about that.

About him.

I finally reached the front of her dorm and the silence was loud. I mustered up the courage and double knocked. After about thirty seconds of no noise, I knocked again. Growing impatient I wiggled her doorknob and it turned. I pushed the door open and her room was pitch black. If it weren't for the imprint of her body in her bed, I would've assume no life.

I gently closed her door and locked it. I slowly walked up to her and sat at the foot of her bed.

"Des?" I placed my hand over her blanket covered leg.

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