8. the date pt. 2.

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As the movie and my snacks almost reached their end, I sat in disbelief and silence from Dre denying me an orgasm he initiated. I peeked at him and his sharp jawline was clenching from clear sexual frustration, which made me wonder why he stopped in the first place. It was hard for me to take my eyes off of him. He had a chaotic beauty to him. His usual unruly curls were now slicked back with a single curl hung over his face, his dark brown almost black eyes had a slight purple tint under them from lack of sleep and his pink soft lips were wet and begging to be kissed. The veins in his big hands trailed up to his toned arms with a couple of extremely detailed tattoos.

My eyes made their way back up to his beautiful face and although he wasn't staring back, he had this award-winning smile plastered on it. I turned to face the screen when I realized the movie had just ended. Everyone in the theater had risen from their seats and began exiting.

"Ready to get out of here?" he asked, hovering over me with his hand out.

I nodded.

"Where are we headed to now?" I asked as soon as we got in his panty-dropping car.

"It's a surprise," was all he said as he started the car.

"I don't like surprises," I grimaced.

"I know," he smirked and sped off.

I reached over and grabbed his phone out of his lap. To my shock, he didn't even flinch or attempt to take it from me as I attached it to his aux cord. Although silence was nice, I needed to see what his taste in music was like. Alexis always did say you can tell a lot about a person based on the music they listen to.

Scrolling through his iTunes was like scrolling through mine. We basically listened to all of the same shit, aside from some jazz I saw in a few of his playlists, which intrigued me even more. I made a mental note of some of the songs to remind myself to listen to later on when I was alone.

"Indecisive, are we? I thought that was a Libra thing," he chuckled.

"You're a libra?"

"I am," he proudly said.

"That explains a lot," I replied, still scrolling.

"What exactly does my being a Libra explain?" he asked with clear amusement in his voice.

"Libras are very gentle. Very, balanced."

"Well aren't you perceptive," he smiled. "What else are we?"

Locking his phone, I placed it in his lap which caused him to jump a little. But, removing my hand, I noticed him getting pretty hard, pretty fast. He was big too, I could tell by the size of his bulge obviously, but also the way he needed to shift in his seat to remain comfortable. It felt good to know I had that affect on him– especially since my ex Jason stated I didn't have the right asset size or sex appeal for that matter.

"Compassionate, empathetic as well as sympathetic," I continued.

"Those are all good things," he replied.

"They are," I smiled at him.

"But that's not how shit works, is it?"

Taken aback, "what do you mean?"

"What else are we?" he reiterated.

It took me a slight minute to understand what he meant, but then I realized I only named good things. In the amount of time I've known Dre, he is a rather quiet man, mysterious if you will. I never really paid much attention to his bad qualities, or things that may considered flaws. And if I'm being honest, Alexis is a libra and my mother as well, so I can't say I have any bad thoughts about the particular sign.

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