Chapter 1: Until I see you again

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So, just after a couple of hearts and comments in Tumblr, I thought giving this some thought would be worth it. Also, I am sort of motivated. Very, in fact. I will tell you about the inspiration, later, promise ;) But, Ohm and Nanon— the series has ended, and I want something to keep on happening about them, just to keep myself occupied, so the story. The story.


It couldn't have been worse, Nanon kept on muttering to himself in his mind from the moment he heard Ohm would visit the Kingdom with his father to sign a peace treaty with his own. From the moment, he heard his father mention Ohm, his blood had started to boil and the only thought of Ohm, entering his kingdom, HIS domain with an entourage was riling him up. His expressions were so much on the edge, his dad could easily read him like an open diary, "Just don't interact with him, keep your distance" the king mentioned for what seemed like the umpteenth time and the royal knights fidgeted uncomfortably at Nanon's and his fathers very own displeasure at the to be occurring events. Or, maybe at the past circumstances, which may or may not have been a blend of terrible and also not so terrible, could have been worse, type of circumstances.

Exalos and Orindoth have always been two of the strongest and biggest kingdoms in Albion and they never were quite close to being allies. In fact, both the kingdoms always had an odd tense loom over their territories at the mention of the other. The relation had always been tethered in the weakest rail and whenever they met, the spark would only so much radiate across and far throughout Albion.

In the light of how the relationship between the two kingdoms was, the news of the king of Orindoth visiting Exalos had spread presumably faster and Nanon's festering in his nerves had grown starker.

"I cannot believe the freak is going to be here, Bright" he spoke to one of his most trusted men in Exalos, almost in the line of receiving knighthood, "The thought of his nasty grin on top of my father's voice, just gets the best of me" he gritted his teeth in further and detailed remembrance of Ohm when he was just a mere 5 year old.

"My Lord, those were when you two were just—"

Nanon immediately gestured Bright to halt his speech, "He got the best of me then and I know he will get the best of me now" Nanon sufficed his annoyance in one word, unsheathing his sword with more power than is needed for a minor training session and with a tiny bit of fire of vengeance in his eyes that Bright really wants to ignore.

The next two days for Nanon were already terrible enough at the thought of Ohm arriving in his kingdom in a few days, but to sugar coat it further, his sister Cecilia was being an adamant little prick about taking her to the marketplace. He finally groaned, keeping the scrolls aside, "Could you please just..." he shut his eyes tight against the other, placing the pen with ink away, swallowing his urge to throw the sister out of his damn chambers, "Fine. I will take you. But only if you promise to make it quick" and at that, Cecilia had finally stopped rambling and loitering around in Nanon's chamber, making a small happy cheery fuss at the end and leaving only after managing to take Nanon in a hug which she always found extremely endearing. 

Nanon, just couldn't understand why she always had this odd urge to visit the marketplace in person while if she wanted, the stuff could be transported to their mansion at just one order from the authority but he just never really understood Cecelia. Her mind worked very differently to his and it becomes clearer at her proper portrayal of excitement at the arrival of the king and the so-called prince of Orindoth.

She whistles softly and hums to some tune Nanon has never heard before under the cloak's hoodie while on the way to the marketplace, riding her white horse which she even names, snow, "Aren't you excited to see how Prince Ohm looks now?"

The abrupt question spiraling out of Cecelia's mouth catches Nanon off guard, "No?" he eventually rolls his eyes at disgust mostly, but the thin layer of curiosity that starts to softly gargle at the pit of his stomach is pretty much, undeniable and pretty much existent even.

She chuckles, etched in humor and mockery, "Stop lying" she hisses, almost too predominantly, "you are dying to know if he looks more or less handsome than you" she doesn't forget to at the wolf-whistle at the end of her words, and Nanon really frets at the newly formed thought or at a princess whistling, he doesn't know. Even though he really wants it to be the latter, desperately so and he hopes that it is.

He ultimately decides to appease himself, "so you do think I am handsome, my sweet dear little sister?" and his pride crumbles down in shreds of paper within the next few moments when Cecilia doesn't answer back, just presents herself with a devil-smile that only riles Nanon up to the extent that he wants to throw a sword fight with his own sister in the middle of the woods.

Cecilia remained quiet for the rest of the journey as if she were allowing Nanon to plunge into his own whirlpool of thoughts. Ohm was a young boy when they had met for the first time, he was wearing neat clothes, his hair awkwardly spiked at the front, if Nanon focused too closely he could remember the dark-brown hooded eyes, the slit in his eyebrows, and that very oddly perfect roman sort of nose that had really enraged Nanon. The boy almost looked out of some remarkable books of fantasy but Nanon hated him because he always smiled. He smiled too much even when they had broken into a fight, he clearly recalls Ohm's lips pursed in an obnoxious smile that had made Nanon lose every bit of his royal composure at the age of 5 and made him...

"Nanon?" Cecilia called more than once, "We are here" she grinned at her brother's sudden trip down the memory lane as if she were sure what he thought about.

Nanon became more irate by her facial expressions, "I have my vision, thank you very much"

Cecilia covered her mouth to recover from a mini laughing fit, "and from that vision that you have, were you able to remember him when he was 5?" she slowly rode down the shops and kept the smile intact on her lips, stealing glances towards her brother every now and then.

"If you are so eager, why don't you ask father to marry you off to Orindoth?" Nanon almost squealed way too loudly for a few of the passerby's to look at their crown prince, some of them bowed as they recalled, some stared at him with wide eyes at the mention of the neighboring kingdom, and Cecilia couldn't hold onto the laughter any longer. 


I would love to know your remarks if you have any. please, feel free. And, I promise to bring forth good things like I promised. 

It will be lovely! can't wait for your comments. 



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