Chapter 6: They should never know

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The faces of both the kings had turned instantly pale and distraught when they learned about the sudden attack on Nanon in the woods. Surprisingly, the colors in both of their faces were so similar, Ohm and Nanon couldn't help but stare at each other, reciprocating the same question and doubt. They were asked to take leave sooner than they were expecting.

"Dimples!" Ohm called while Nanon was trying to leap away from Ohm's vicinity once they were out from the conference hall, but apparently, the dog had speed and caught Nanon right on time.

He let out a short exhale before turning to face Ohm and not asking him to stop calling that, he was tired, he was only a human after all, "What?"

"Do you also think it's only about the peace treaty?"

Nanon didn't think it was, heck, Nanon's been constantly questioning it, his mind has been buzzing since the peace treaty was ever mentioned. He just didn't know if he was ready, to engage in this conversation with Ohm out of so many possibilities that still seemed appealing— like Igor, he should talk to Igor instead.

Nanon decided to walk away, that seemed to be the wisest thing to do, but, Ohm had to interfere, out of habit or whatever else that he was, "I would be the best person to talk to about this, dimples" he initiated.

"I don't want to talk to you. Can't you understand dammit" he almost seemed to blurt it out from within a stupor.

Ohm's eyelashes fluttered, and for once he wasn't smiling, Nanon had to take that for a win, "I am not too eager to talk to you as well, Nanon" he quickly and sharply inhaled once before adding, "But, this matter is important and you know it too. You can feel it, I know"

"You know nothing about my feelings so just—"

Ohm coughed, urgently and rapidly to cut his speech short, "You should've talked to me when you had the chance" Ohm took a step backward, "You will have to come back to me anyways" he said as if the wisest man alive in the lands of Albion stood in front of Nanon. This was the moment when he should've laughed at Ohm's dramatic approach to prove his wiseness, but Nanon seemed frozen to his spot and Ohm vanished into the halls of the castle.

Igor, just kept his eyebrows raised the whole time Nanon filled him with questions after questions. Igor, wouldn't budge even a millimeter when finally Nanon had enough, "Igor, why the fuck aren't you all telling me anything?! I am the crown prince for fuck's sake" he yelled at the top of his lungs, the nerves in his neck dilating and his face becoming red with anger.

"My Prince, I understand your desperation but your father has strictly—"

"Igor. Fuck my father's orders. I am ordering you to tell me, what the hell happened. Please?" he could feel his own voice, tremble and break, but he needed to know before confiding in Ohm. This had become more than just unraveling the truth now. This had become the matter of his dignity.

Igor, huffed, "Sire, I wish I could—" he was a persistent old man but Nanon, was just a young adult besides being the crown prince of the state, so he left the seat before Igor in a loud thud and slammed the door behind as he left the chamber.

Igor, rubbed his chin intensely filled with gloom.

Nanon was stomping his way up the stairs, constantly cursing the entire kingdom, his father, his grandfather, his entire line of ancestry, before he heard the voice which infuriated him even further, "I will save you the dignity of approaching me and talk to you myself"

"For fuck's sake you have got to be kidding me" he grasped Ohm's collar and stared darkly into his set of black eyes, "Leave me alone" he made himself clear but soon he was being thrown away and dragged, by Ohm, "What the fuck are you—" Ohm swirled Nanon around, locking his hands behind him and pressed his mouth with his own palms, hissing at Nanon's ear, "Stop being so dramatic all the time. I am not here to fight you" his chin which pricked Nanon's shoulder felt no less than a sword cutting his flesh.

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