Chapter 18: Although they're Beautiful

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Summer had come and gone, autumn was beginning to shrink and the cold wind from the distance was filling up empty spaces in the vastness of the kingdom. Nanon's wedding was scheduled for the last week of the autumn before the harsh winter came. Ohm's condition began to grow worse and he hadn't woken up in three days while Fai had his enough.

He had decided one night, packed his bags, and set out, for the better or for the worse he didn't have the time to question.

He knew he wouldn't be given access to the castle in Exalos, so he had plotted a way to secretly barge into the prince's chamber right away and Fai had done an excellent job at it.

"Who are—"

"My Lord" he immediately removed his clothed mask, revealing his face and bowing before Nanon could giantly react, "I am Fai. Servant of Prince Ohm"

Nanon sat back at his bed, "why did you have to barge into my personal chambers at this hour—"

Fai's eyes filled with tears at the remembrance of Ohm lying soundless in his bed, he knelt before Nanon making him uncomfortable, "Prince Ohm is dying my Lord"

Nanon wanted to say something, but his mouth opened and closed in a second, he stared blankly at Fai's swollen, teary eyes.

"He...the prophecy my Lord" Fai attempted an explanation, "It said about the suffering but no one could tell in what form..." his voice faded but Fai recollected himself, he needed to get his job done, "He, is the one to suffer. With this death, you will be out of the prophecy, my Lord"

"Are you trying to fool me—"

"My Lord, I know you know his handwriting very well. This is a letter he never intended to send to you but I have secretly taken it from him" he handed Nanon the scroll. He carefully opened it, his heart thumping against his chest.

Dear Dimples,

Remember when we fought in your mother's garden? Liar, I know you remember every second of that time because I do too. Can't believe I am fostering those in my lungs now.

For all that's worth though, you live on. And live happily, be less bitter, please. Your dimples are magical, like that goddamn ribbon. Now you know.

You have made flowers grow in my lungs and although they're beautiful, I can't breathe.



"What...what does this mean?" his voice trembled against his beating heart and his eyes reciprocated Fai's tears.

"He is coughing flowers, my Lord. Legitimate flowers, I have brought these for you" he handed Nanon some white petals of Jasmine, "Doctors said he would start..." Fai hiccuped, "coughing blood in few days and I am afraid he will die, My Lord"

Nanon stared hopelessly at the petals, "How...what...why..." he mouthed, "What can I do?"

Fai nodded emotions leeching off his features, "He had two options. One was to have you assassinated, in fact, the king had planned a surprise attack," Nanon had immediately become self-aware and wary, "He is just a father desperate to save his son, sire, but my prince had put his last wish upon the king which clearly said..." Fai's voice faded


"Not to have you killed"

Nanon felt like he could laugh at this point but the shock was too much for a smile to even escape, "he had let go of a chance to have me killed?"

Fai nodded.

"What's the other choice?"

"For you two to be together. You and him" he blatantly admitted, filterless and honest, "he is coughing Jasmine for you, my Lord"

Fai stood up and Nanon looked into his eyes, "Jasmine means unconditional and eternal love" Fai said

Nanon had his eyes grow wider at the mention and his lips wavered, "Just so you know" Fai whispered bowing one more time before vanishing behind Nanon's large windows.

He clearly remembers Igor mentioning about time they had left till winter but Igor hadn't mentioned that only one of them would face the wrath of the prophecy not being established.

Nanon had locked himself inside his room for the next two days, he hadn't showered or eaten. He hadn't talked to anyone and when the King became aware and came himself to check on his son, Nanon had opened the door, his eyes red and the letter from Ohm sitting tightly inside his hands.

"I can't marry her, father" he stated

The king for once had felt a soft tremble in his legs but he soon recovered, "Nanon..."

"No, I am done listening to all your lies. You knew" he screamed, "You knew he was dying, didn't you? You knew, and yet, you decided to let someone die just because you want to protect your goddamn pride" he shrieked in anger.

"Nanon" the king tried to get a hold of his son while Nanon heavily protested, "How could you be such a devil, father? How could you not have a minimum amount of Zivia alive in you?" the king had taken the letter from Nanon's hands.

"You had known—"

"My son" the king looked at Nanon after reading the letter in his trembling hands, "I knew he was sick, I didn't know how extreme—"

"You knew everything and yet you have been a coward, marrying your son off while he is suffering from all this wrath. You are being a selfish, boastful, king while he is giving his life so that I could live" Nanon cried

The king shook his head, "Nanon this cannot be—" he jerked the letter only to be pushed by Nanon.

"I will decide from now on, what can and what cannot, father. Just because something isn't accepted, doesn't mean I will avoid it and let someone die" Nanon sniffed and spat, "I don't think you have ever taught me to hate him so much that I will watch him die when I can save him"

"Nanon how will you—"

"Please" Nanon raised his palms at his father's defeated expression, "You have done enough for me. Father, please, let me go" he urged, picking up his sword and robe, he stared one last time at his father while the King left the entrance for Nanon to leave. He stared back at that letter, his eyes filling with tears as a drop fell on the letter in his hands. 


comment whatever :') thanks for the likes and the reads . I'm not so iconic but it makes my heart full looking at all the reads and likes, almost how it makes me feel when I stare at the ocean :') 

thanks again. 

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