Chapter 14: Winter has come

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Getting there! when you read it you can tell the developments! 

cheers, happy reading! 


Suddenly one night, when the cold had begun to settle in the kingdom, Ohm had recoiled in remembrance of the golden ribbon that had the two of them enclosed inside it for a second. Inside Nanon's mother's chamber, they both had seen a sort of enchantment they had never before, and now that, Ohm had an insight into a story which the world was adamant about proving otherwise, the golden ribbon had become so distinct, so prominent in his memories. How could he ever forget that moment?

Ohm is one of the most glorious princes the Orindoth would ever encounter in the coming decades. He was strong and brave, he was sweet and sour, he was mellow with his friends and harsh with his enemies, and what made him even more beguiling in the sea of all the princes is his charm, his eyes, his sharp jawline, and his open-mouthed smile, which in every way, even without the dimples, won every heart he ever met. There were countless times when proposals from both the nearby and distant kingdoms came for the prince and he has always taken pride in it. He has met so many luxuriously beautiful princesses even amongst so many but today when he stares at the highly decorated ceiling of his chambers, he cannot remember one such occurrence he felt with either of them compared to the one he had felt with Nanon, that morning, inside his mother's chamber. The sun hit them at the perfect angles, the specks of dust drowned giddily in the sun, their warmth had them engulfed, their eyes dug at each other's deepest cells and the golden ribbon— Ohm had never felt anything like that ever before. Heck, Ohm didn't even know there was a feeling as such.

In the next two days, he had once again secretly found a way to meet with the midwife to learn about the golden ribbon. When Ohm asked her, her eyes became big with horror and surprise at the same time, soon they filled with water, she said, "You don't have much time, my prince"

He flinched uncomfortably, "What do you mean this time?" he wanted to feign a non-serious attitude, but by now with his every cell, he was beginning to join all the dots. Their mothers, couldn't be lying in those letters, he had convinced himself time and time again.

"You two must re-unite as soon as the next winter comes. You two shall, you two must!" she panted, "The golden ribbon indicates a warning, a remembrance that you two are bound by fate and there is nothing—"

"I don't want to hear no more! Please!" Ohm shut his ears with his palms, tighter with every throb, "I have had enough of this nonsense from you. I can't take this anymore. He and I cannot be—"

The midwife, suddenly, forgetting her norms and borders engulfed Ohm inside her arms and Ohm coincided considering the panic he was undergoing at that moment, "My son," she comforted by running her hand at his back, "You know I am not lying. You know that this is the truth and I know you can feel it in your nerves. Or else," she looked intensely at his eyes, as if reading him like an open diary, "You wouldn't come back to me every time"

In fact, that is true. Ohm's hunch about the possibility of the woman telling him the truth had turned into a much more serious gut feeling by this time. The more he thought about the letters, the more he thought about every time he met Nanon, the more he thought about how the dimples never leave his memory— somewhere in between all the series of thoughts he was beginning to compromise with, the feeling of someone he learned to hate all this time, might as well be someone he was meant to be with had become more deeply rooted.

One winter morning, when he sat in the indoor garden of his castle, Fai had came running with a letter, "Sire, it's from the prince" he panted due to all the running.

"The prince?" he asked, arching his brows at how Fai's face was turning into a smirk.

Ohm slapped his arms playfully, "What prince?"

"The prince you were supposed to hate but the prince who is becoming more of a friend writing letters to you" he joked handing Ohm the letter and even before Fai could blink and take another breather, Ohm had snatched the letter from his grip already tearing the envelope to read what was written.


It's winter and I can't do more exploring about the whole dilemma.

However, before you start complaining like the prat that you are, I have already talked to Igor and he denied everything the midwife had told us that day.

But, he was extremely wary while denying which makes me doubt.

Also, I am sure you aren't the first person I have ever learned to call. I bet you want the same so after winter ends, let's meet and find the truth.


Ohm had broken out into a series of laughter, the first time in one month, which had Fai bewildered, "Sire, are you alright?"

"Bring me pen and paper Fai" he demanded and Fai vanished and came back with what Ohm asked for in a heartbeat.

Ohm wanted to feel assured knowing Nanon wasn't the first thing he learned to speak when he was born but also, he was equally afraid thinking about how the feeling was becoming more clear inside his lungs.

You might be the first thing I ever learned to say, Nanon.

But, how pathetic, he would never write that. Right? Prince Ohm, seldom lets his head bow before someone as miserable and as pathetic as Prince Nanon of Exalos— he hiccuped inside his cerebrum. But...

Nanon thought about it too, not to his intention yet there was nothing left to do other than worrying, thinking, rethinking, and reflecting on the words of each of the letters the both of them had read. The golden ribbon from that morning, Nanon wasn't vapid to not recollect that or how, even after so many years, while clearly, he was almost beginning to forget how his own mother looked, Ohm's distinct facial and bodily features from when they were five years old still kept him awake at night. It wasn't natural to remember a memory that dates so back and it wasn't also natural to despise someone so much. Yes, Nanon hated him, and that is the only thing he ever learned to do except now, he had also learned that Ohm was the first name he ever called. That was miserable and that must have been a sheer lie. The midwife was clearly trying to slander the kingdom, maybe she has lost much when the kingdoms separated and this was a plotted revenge but then, their mothers, the letters, and how the midwife looked when she narrated. Nanon has seen a lot in the years of standing by his father while he ruled the kingdom, and one thing he has properly learned is to tell the line between how someone looks when they are lying or speaking the truth.

He patiently waited for a week until the letter from Ohm finally came.


I have been thinking relentlessly about it too.

Good to know that you were clever enough to talk to Igor. I also think, if he is being resistive, maybe showing him your mother's letter might ignite a different emotion in him so if you haven't tried it already, you can try it now.

I am sure Igor won't be a weasel and complain to your father about how you ransacked your own mother's chamber.

You might be the first thing I ever learned to say, dimples. Think about it, might not be as bad for you to be called the first thing by someone as glorious as me.

Let me know about the developments with Igor.

Till then,



Thanks, thanks 


:) :) 

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