Chapter 12: The Sun has set

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Extremely late update, sorry. Actually, life has been really strenuous!  I am hoping for your understanding. 



None of them had paid attention to the rain that was getting them drenched, or the shivers they were feeling from the blistering wind when they unattentively boarded into their separate horses, riding away from each other. None of them had turned back either to look at the other amid the process of separating into each other's kingdom even though both of their hearts were crushing inside to look into the eyes of the other once to at least try to understand if the other had also felt the same amount of burden and bewildered.

In fact, both of them were feeling the same, just without the other knowing. Ohm had returned back to his kingdom, fatigued out of his depths, discomposed, damp and bemused. He began to miss the number of training sessions and council meetings until it had finally caught the King's attention and he was immediately summoned for a session with his father.

"You seem troubled, what is the matter?" King had approached a grimacing Ohm, the dark shades prominent around his eyes, the lack of sleep visible by his appearance overall, "Talk to me, Ohm"

He was hesitant, he had been promisingly hesitant since he returned to his kingdom, and resorted to the darkest corners of his chamber. Nothing had felt the same since he discovered the story of their mothers, he didn't even know what was the truth anymore, "Father, I..." he trailed off in the depths of his own mind, the black corners encompassing nothing else but Nanon, his peculiarly unavoidable dimples, the glint in the corner of his eyes whenever he smiled, his arched eyebrows when he scowled at Ohm or how he awkwardly flinched whenever Ohm touched him anywhere. It was rather very embarrassing that Ohm had taken Nanon's name the first time he ever spoke or the fact that a soulmate—

The king coughed, "Where have you been that day?" he questioned with vigor and concern for the only son he has and wants to protect under all and every cost.

"I...I was just checking the...I that day—" he stuttered, meanwhile the King intervened, "I had warned you to not meet Nanon whatever the situation without a—"

"Father I—"

"You cannot lie to me, Ohm. I never taught you to lie to me" the king clearly deadpanned, the worry was visible in his arched eyebrows "You were not supposed to meet the prince of Exalos without security. However, tell me what happened? Tell me why you had to meet him" the beads of tension was already prominent at the King's temples.

Ohm fought all his inhibitions, finally gathering enough courage to combat all the truths he has been kept hidden from for so long, "Father, why don't you let me meet him? It should be you to tell me what happened? What makes you worry so much?" he fixed his position of the chair he was sat at, feeling nervous and curious all the same. The king had turned tenser at the sudden retort from his son.

The King was partially terrified at the thought that Ohm had come to the age where he had the ability to seek the truths and he had the intelligence to question things he found twisted. What terrified him, even more, was Ohm was beginning to meet Nanon without the King's permission and he knew what could it lead to. He knew they couldn't be left alone with each other, he was afraid both of them had already discovered—

"I met the midwife who was there during my birth" Ohm declared and the King immediately looked into the eyes of his son from the palms of his sweating hands.

It cannot be. He chanted in his own mind, yet here was his son sitting before him with the secret unraveled.

"What happened to my mother? How did she pass away, father? Why did I have to grow up without a mother to—"

The king desperately shook his head, raising his tense and shaking palms at Ohm, "You have to forget whatever she said. The midwife and her tales won't be narrated in my Kingdom one more time. I will not allow—"

"Then tell me what happened to mother? Tell me why you won't let me meet with Nanon? Tell me why I'm being constantly attacked by the mercenaries, the nature or whatever—"

Ohm's father, scoffed at the mere mentions, "You cannot be so weak to believe whatever nonsense the midwife tried to tell you. You cannot be so weak to believe that you're being attacked because someone else needs to be with you to protect you. You cannot—"

"I never said someone needs to protect me, father. I wanted to know the reason why I am being—"

"You two cannot be together. Two princes cannot be together. It's against the rule of the universe" he suddenly left his throne, and the exasperation could be felt at his bones.

Ohm followed his father to where he stood near the humongous window projecting the kingdom markets, "You have to take care of these people when I am gone, my son. You cannot get disregarded by these people because someone says the Prince of Exalos is your soulmate"

Ohm had followed his father's gaze towards his people, "She didn't only mention soulmate, father. She had also said about uniting the two—"

"Zivia is over, Ohm. Zivia has seen its doom already. What has been doomed cannot be recovered" he sternly looked into Ohm's eyes, "The sun has set for that Kingdom. I forgot about that and moved on. Look what I have built and now you will take care of Orindoth" he stated coherently, loud and clear but Ohm's experienced an internal clench at the thought, for what reasons, he would explain that later. 


Thanks for reading! Thanks for the time! 


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