Chapter 4: Not supposed to remember

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Guys, the garden will come soon. Thanks for reading. 

keep shining, you matter! 



There were two options before Nanon, under the dark star-filled sky and torches illuminating the ground of the castle — he could ignore the two, walk peacefully towards his chambers, and spare himself the disgust of emerging in a conversation with Ohm, or he could save his sister from befriending a bloody daft. Or maybe even falli— not that can't be happening, right? He was joking when he said about marrying her off to Orin— WAIT. Was she... the way she looks at him though?

"Cecilia?" that almost came out a squeal rather than an average voice calling.

Cecilia hid a chuckle under her speedy walk towards Nanon, while Ohm followed, the iconic smile slightly jaded, it could be due to the fatigue of the day, or, could be because a comical adventure he was likely having with Cecilia, had come to an end since Nanon showed up, "Why aren't you in your chamber yet?" he grimaced trying his hardest to not look at Ohm's face twitch and flinch.

"I was showing Ohm... Prince Ohm the way to his chamber" Nanon didn't know at which was he supposed to express his surprise, his sister was just about to address a prince casually or the fact that, Ohm had his chambers possibly at the quarters where he had his chamber. So he remained oddly quiet, "His room is two alleys away from yours so I bet you could show him the way" she clumsily added and hurriedly bowed before the princes, scurrying into the hallways.

"Cecilia..." that came out weak and shivery.

There were eye-rolls, two or more, from both sides and none of them moved from their positions, it was awkward. It was unfriendly too, the way Nanon cursed Cecilia under his breath, "Well, we should have servants showing you the way. Why'd you have to ask my sister?" Nanon menacingly questioned.

Ohm suppressed a curse, which was obvious by the sight of his expression, "I didn't ask your sister anything. We were just having a conversation while walking out, so she decided she would show me my chamber"

Nanon was embarrassed for Cecilia and the first thing he would do the next morning is to throw her into a fencing tournament with him, or he could just kill her, he has been getting that thought often nowadays anyway, "Just find a servant and get to your chambers" Nanon threw a cold glance towards him and was taking off towards the stairs which would lead to the floor his chambers were, and God knows why Ohm's too.

1 more day. He would just have to bear with this flesh at his castle for only one more day, "Is this how the glorious Prince of Exalos treat their guests?" Ohm almost screamed and his words flew in the wind like a knife cutting through Nanon's flesh and the silence of the night, "That is how Prince of Exalos treat prats" Nanon felt like wheezing the air out of Ohm's lung right at this point of time.

Ohm joined him at the first step of the stairs, "Just show me the way to the chambers and you can have your glory"

"I don't need to have my glory by guiding a fuck— a dog" Nanon bit his lower lip and stared at the ground, "Look, just climb these stairs and you will find a servant. Ask him"

Ohm broke out into a burst of badgering laughter which would leave a ringing sensation in Nanon's head even when the freak is gone and he knew it, so he blinked in utter and absolute displeasure, "Do we have to do this now?"

"Do what?"

"This Nanon?" he gestured between the two of them, "Fight, argue, or whatever you call it. I'm tired. It was a long day" Ohm sufficed the reason behind the fading pretense.

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