Chapter 11- A Concealed Truth

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The forest house, wasn't empty even though it looked like it was when they stumbled inside, collectively drenched and running out of breath. She was there, the midwife, who had delivered Ohm during his birth. He hadn't seen her after he grew up, he couldn't recognize her either but she did. It didn't take her a second before she gasped, "My Prince" and cordially bowed before Ohm.

Ohm pleasantly accepted her greetings but, it was shocking for Nanon at the same time. The forest was inside his kingdom, it was on this side of the border but she had bowed to Ohm, and she had addressed Ohm as her prince. He didn't want to admit it but his face had portrayed the displeasure for both Ohm and the midwives clarity, "Prince Nanon" she soon followed the gesture she made to Ohm.

"I am just a mere midwife, in this heavy rain, I don't have much to comfort the two of you" she had stuck her eyes to the ground, the embarrassment and tense very much persistent in her speech, Ohm soon intervened, "We do not need anything" he eyed at Nanon once before continuing, "We happened to meet accidentally at the borders. It had started to pour so we just need the shelter" he explained even though the midwife didn't seem to be appealed by his statement, she dimly nodded.

The rain had shown no sign of stopping anytime soon whatsoever, Nanon grumpily huffed sitting in one of the tools the midwife had brought for the two before quickly scurrying inside the little room— the only room this forest house had, in fact, "It's not even the rainy season yet" Nanon murmured to himself, wanting to cover his ears for the loud thunders which were constantly struck to the ground and Ohm seemed to agree with him.

The midwife had come out with warm water for the two to drink. The cold wind and the damp clothes made the two quickly drink the warmth in, "Thank you" they both greeted cordially.

The midwife very worryingly shook her head, "I had told her" she whispered, "I had told her" she repeated, her voice filled with grief and fear. Ohm and Nanon stole quick glances at each other before questioningly looking back at the midwife, "are you trying to tell us something?" Ohm questioned, suddenly the thought of her knowing something about his birth swelling deep inside his stomach, maybe, maybe, "If you have something to tell me, you can" he urged and Nanon could perceive the tendency Ohm was spreading.

"I had told the queen, you two couldn't be apart" she eyed them both, and both of them hadn't missed the quick glimpse of hope and fond engulf her vision.

Ohm and Nanon were still confused, "What—what do you mean?" Ohm stuttered.

"I know you two are searching for the answers. I can see it in your eyes my Prince" the midwife bowed, putting aside the glasses she had handed the princes.

Ohm shook his head, "If you really want to say something, I order you to make yourself clear" the adamant was present in his tone, the midwife stuttered.

"Tell us what you know" Nanon stood up before her, sounding much calmer than Ohm, "You will not be harmed" he assured bringing the stuttering midwife to resolve, she started to narrate.

"You were a still-born my Lord" she looked at Ohm for a second before staring back at the ground, "The Kingdom had already lost children before you were born so when you also..." her voice shivered, "The Queen couldn't stand the truth of losing you but there was a prophecy about your birth"

"What? A prophecy? Are you—" Ohm was in complete denial, but Nanon had instinctually put his hands on Ohm's shoulder which had cut his speech short. He directed for the midwife to continue.

"There was another child who was born at the same time as you in the..." her voice trailed off, she stared at Nanon's inquisitive eyes, "In the kingdom next to Orindoth" the end of her sentence sounded grim but uncomfortably low, "Both the children had to be placed side by side or else one of you would have to die" she continued, staring back and forth between the princes and the muddy floor.

Ohm scoffed, "I am sure she is a—"

"Ohm" Nanon coldly stared at him, "Let her speak"

"No what? Are you trying to tell me you believe this non—"

Nanon put his palms out, "Let.her.speak" he repeated and at the sound of it, Ohm had compromised his urges to strangle the lady alongside strangling Nanon for even listening to this absurd tall-tale.

"Prince Ohm, your life was in danger so I had asked the queen to immediately seek help" they could tell she was nearing the climax, "that's when Igor—"

"WHAT?" Nanon finally succumbed to the feeling Ohm was going through, "What was Igor doing in—"

"At the time when Prince Ohm was born, you were born too," she bowed before Nanon, "The Kingdom next to Orindoth was Exalos"

"What—what? What are you saying?" Nanon almost felt like tripping on his own legs.

"Congratulations Nanon, you had saved my life. Are you pleased now? With her and the—"

"The prophecy—"

"Oh? Oh? There's still the prophecy. You want to hear more, your highness?" Ohm comically questioned staring at a flabbergasted Nanon.

"You two are meant to be the rebirth of Zivia" the old woman continued in a high pitched tone, "You two are meant to unite the lands, unite the families," she spread her hands, "You two are meant to bring the glory back"

"That's it, I am leaving" Ohm had begun to scurry off, but the woman yelled, "Don't go outside, it's—" a thunder had struck at the entrance of the house and Nanon immediately pulled Ohm inside the safety of the shelter.

"You two must be together or else—"

"Can you please stop?" Nanon gritted his teeth crowding her to a corner.

She still continued, "It will kill either of you if you don't realize. There are risks, my dear Princes, awaiting for you two outside this door. Maybe it was fate that I have found you here so that I could warn you—"

"Old lady" Ohm pushed Nanon away so now he was glaring into her white eyes, "If you say one more word, I'd have to slash your throat for spreading lies—"

She shook her head, crying, "Both of your mothers had known. They had it hidden from the rest. But no truth can be concealed forever. I had warned them. I had warned them" she repeated jolting, breathing haphazardly, "You two are the anchor for the future, you two are two sides of the same coin. There's no meaning for one of you without the other" she chanted like a mantra.

Ohm pushed her two the ground, feeling terrified, "Kill me, my Prince. Kill me for saying the truth. One day you had to know" she fisted at the ground, "Both of your lives are in danger. To be saved, you have to confide in each other. Believe me before its too late—"

"You are very stubborn. You must shut your—" Nanon's warning voice had been cut off by her loud screech, "Your mothers had tried everything to stop the prophecy, but both of them had to give their lives" she cried, "I adored them. I loved them so much, they were so precious. I had told them not to do this. Fate cannot be changed. Two pieces that fit together must be put together" she hissed, "They hadn't listened. Fear of your fathers took over them. They had fought so much but it couldn't be stopped. Here you are, together" the spit foamed at the corner of her mouth. Ohm and Nanon stood at the opposite sides of each other, frozen to the ground, "Believe me" she cried.

Soulmate. Ohm had read a soulmate and so did Nanon and he was afraid, he was so afraid, "You two are soulmates" she murmured and none of them had to listen twice to understand what she was trying to tell.

"You both had taken each other's name—"

Nanon shook his head terrifyingly, "No, no, stop! Stop please stop! What— you are lying...this is a lie...this cannot be—"

"You two are meant to be. You two are bound by fate"

That was the last thing both of them needed to hear for the day, before soon departing from the shelter and standing under the sky that hadn't stopped pouring gush of relentless water at them. 


Yes, there there! Almost beginning to bring the feelings in bois. 

thanks for reading. 

thanks for the likes, really means a lot. OhmNanon all the way. 



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