Dear ex-bestfriend,
The scars you caused may not be visible, but theyre there. Nobody knows about them, except for me. The betrayal you made me feel, for no reason whatsoever. You were cruel. So damn cruel, why? Because I am different. I'm not concidered "grown up" not in the eyes of people my age at least.
You started something so awful, that would cost me my bubbly personality, its not fair. I never did anything to you, i was always nice to you. You were my best friend for fucks sake. Well up until i found out what you did to me. You spread rumors about me to your friends, just so they wouldnt befriend me and replace you, my parents thought that i was the bully, but then they found out the truth. EVERYONE thought that i was the bully, and that you and your friends were the sweet innocent angels.
Its fucked with my head, and it still does. I changed my personality just to fit in, just to be accepted but nothing was good enough. While what you did and said was so shitty, it has made me stronger. Without you, i wouldnt have found my current best friend. She is so much nicer than you. Without the shit you put me trough we might have never found out that i was autistic.
I embrace the past me, the scars that have healed, the ones on my wrist, they are there, to show me that I am stong. I am strong because i put up with bullying for years and even when there were times i really wanted to end it all, i didnt. Because i need to prove to you, and to myself that karma is a bitch, and karma is going to get you. I guess karma did kind of get you already, when your parents split. When i heard the news i was so happy, because you deserved it. I'll show you that ill be much more successful in life than you. The reason why? Because i wont have you in my life, hoding me back from everything. I'll be able to reach for the stars because you wont be there to bring me down with your words and actions.
A big fuck you to you
Sincerely, Noa.