"=⌕ [𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐱𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫] //𓁹

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As all cookies knew from villages to kingdoms, the cake tower was a dangerous place.

Cake hounds that will rip you to pieces.

Monsters that lurk in the shadows.

Most of these tales were to scared the little cookies, but in reality, the cake tower was just a huge mess, covered with more mess.

"RED VELVET! TAKE YOUR DOGS OUT OF MY ROOM!" the newest villain of the group was young, they were a kid that was rejected by many cookies just for how they acted and how they were. 

But one day they finally found peace inside the cake tower.

 Y/n held the young cake hounds in their arms, they all squirmed to be free. It was hard to hold them all.

 Red Velvet chuckled, then came to pick his litter with his cake hand, I bet he could fit at least 5 more cake hounds with that hand.

"I swear Red, if they come in again i'll throw them out of my window..."

Y/n hissed, not really liking their morning already.

"Then again, they'll probably survive and go back inside your room."

Y/n grumbled, then felt a hand on their shoulder, a shadow loomed over them.

Y/n turned around and found Dark choco standing taller than them. He only had on Y/n's face grew warm, then they politely bowed in front of dark choco "Morning Dark choco".

Red Velvet smirked as he knew your little secret, he just walked away with his little puppies.

Dark Choco wasn't someone who smiled, but he would usually smile only for y/n.

"Morning..." Both cookies then past each other, going on with their day.

Y/n was in charge of guarding the outside of the tower, some days someone else would help them, but today wasn't one of those days.

Or so they thought.

Y/n crouched next to a spike outside, the sun shining bright. Y/n could only see very little as their was a forest that surrounded the tower, meaning they had to watch very closely. Like usual, their was no cookies nearby, only small creatures that y/n would aim at with their gun, sometimes even killing the creature.

It sounds cruel, but they're a villain, they DO things like that.

After an hour or so, y/n heard footsteps come up from behind them. Y/n only sat still, knowing it was either Red velvet or Licorice. But it was non of them.

"Y/n" the kid jerked as the voice was someone different. They turned around and saw Dark choco, he had his normal Armour on. "o-oh! Hey Dark Choco, didn't expect you to come see me..." y/n smiled awkwardly, then scooted a bit for Dark Choco to sit down.

"Seen anything...?" y/n shook their head as they cleaned their gun. Dark Choco hummed, then stared out into the forest.

It was quite peaceful outside.

"oh, Pomegranate told me to have lunch with you, so I brought you your food..." Dark choco took two boxes out and handed one to y/n, which y/n thanked him. They were happy their crush wanted to eat with them.

Both cookies sat in peaceful silence while they ate their food. They only talked a bit as they wanted to be quite, just in case some cookie wanted to enter the cake tower.

Dark Choco then decided to stay a little while with y/n, loving their presence.

They Both looked around while talking, smiling a bit, talking about their past a bit, just having a good time.

"awe man, you're pretty fun to be with Dark Choco" y/n smiled as the sun was dropping down, orange's and blues filled the sky, the clouds looking like cotton candy.

Dark Choco only did his small smile, a small hint of pink was on his cheeks.

While y/n looked at the sunset, Dark choco's eyes were only stuck onto y/n.

Oh how they looked in the golden hour, their optimism, everything about them made Dark Choco love them. Dark Choco's hand went to y/n's, holding their small hand. Y/n looked at Dark Choco and smiled.

"It sure is a peaceful evening, isn't it Dark choco?"

Dark Choco smiled, then leaned to peck y/n's cheek

"It sure is..."

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