"=⌕ [𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫] //𓁹

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REQUEST BY- Lemonhere333333

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The young cookie walked along the hall of the school, fumbling with her things. She entered an almost empty classroom, a teacher with white soft hair scribbled on the chalkboard, a cup in her other hand.

Y/n silently approached the desk that separated both women, then placed a neat pile of papers.

"Mrs. Latte, I have brought all the papers here just like you said..." Latte cookie only scribbled more words on the chalkboard humming in response.

"Thank you very much y/n, I'm a bit busy so I'm really thankful your here to help!" Y/n felt a smile creep up, looking down at her feet, "no worries Mrs. Latte. After all, that's why i'm here...!" you were right in that point.

You chose a job where you helped many teachers in the school, from taking them their food to being a substitute. Latte set the dusty chalk that also made her fingers white and turned to y/n, the soft smile that almost made everyone tremble.

"Thank you again, why don't you stay with me for a bit? Could you get us some coffee too?" Y/n perked up as Latte asked her to stay. Most teachers don't really do that with teacher helpers. Though not to be rude, y/n accepted and ran out get some nice coffee.

One she entered to long dark halls, a dark red  hue covered her cheeks. Although there was no one to see her, y/n covered her cheeks with both hands, not believing her favorite teacher was asking her to be with her.

"She didn't ask anything too big, she's probably just tired..." Y/n kept on reminding herself latte was probably tired, finally reaching the teacher's cafeteria.

Y/n walked to the coffee table, getting two glass cups and filling them both with coffee.

For Latte's cup though, y/n made it extra careful, trying to make it the best for Latte.

Y/n finally got the two cups of coffee, and sped walked towards Mrs. Lattes classroom. Entering the class, she found Latte at her desk, scribbling away again on some papers. Not wanting to disturb, y/n only walked calmly towards Lattes desk, placing her cup next to her papers. Latte then stopped scribbling and lifted her head.

Y/n smiled a bit, "I've got what you wanted Mrs.Latte" Latte cookie's lips curled into a smile. The older women got up from her chair and lifted the cup to her lips, taking her first sip of the delicious caffeine drink.

Latte sighed and closed her eyes, "thank you very much y/n, you're a great helper" Latte placed a hand on y/n's shoulder and smiled directly at her. Latte then leaned closer to y/n's face, then placed a small kiss on y/n's forehead, lastly giving a warm hug.

"Oh y/n, what would I ever do without you..."

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WORDS: 522

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