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As the male cookie ran through the forest, the girl behind him yelled for him to slow down. Her gown was making her trip almost every 1 minute. The boy only laughed, slowing down for a second then returning to his usual pace.

"ADVENTURE!" suddenly the voice was cut off. Adventurer cookie halted and turned around.

There was no y/n, not even on the ground.

With worry, Adventurer scrambled around the forest, yelling for y/n. But she never answered. "Well shit..." Adventurer slugged off his rope from his shoulder, catching it with his hand. He twirled the rope high above his head, then threw it at a sturdy branch.

This reminded him of those stories his mother would tell him. About how girls would be in the hands of wrong people, and there'd be a person to help them escape. In the end, everyone -except the kidnapper- is happy.

As a reward, Adventurer wanted a kiss from y/n. The idea made him flustered, but he only shook his head and ran deeper into the woods.

He yelled multiple times for y/n, sometimes even climbing up on trees to find her. After four hours of running, the male cookie slumped on a tree, taking off his hat to use as a fan.

"Jeez y/n, you win this tag I guess..." Suddenly the bushes next to him rustled, startling him. Adventurer grabbed his rope and held it firmly, "Come out now!" the bushes started rustling faster, getting Adventurer more scared.

Suddenly a cookie form pounced at the male cookie, getting a yell out of him. Both toppled down onto the ground. Adventurer started yelling for help, but the other cookie laughed.

"Jee Advi, you're so dramatic!" Adventurer stopped scrambling around and turned around, finding y/n smiling. Adventurer then threw his hat at y/n, covering her eyes. He puld her towards her and kissed her lips, suddenly standing up.

Pulling out, Adventurer took his hat and placed it back on his head. "Fine then lady y/n, we're a bit late. Let me take you back now" Adventurer bent his arm, signaling y/n to hold him, in which she accepted.

Now both walking back on the trail back home, Adventurer sighed," Jeez y/n, you really scared me back there." Y/n looked back at him while she fanned herself with her paper fan, "I'm sorry Adventurer, but you just made me a bit mad when you wouldn't stop for me..."

Adventurer then smiled, closing his eyes, "Next time, I'll surely wait for you, don't worry!"

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