pt. 1

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god, i'm so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.

jisung was everything to felix, the reason to wake up everyday, the one who made him smile, his special person. they were inseparable since childhood, their earliest memories always had each other present. but jisung was more than a best friend, he was meant to belong to felix; at least in felix's eyes.

"hannieee!" an annoying voice called out, running towards the pair. felix cursed internally, lee minho.
"minnie!" jisung squealed, rushing to give the elder a peck on the cheek. minho flung an arm over his boyfriend's shoulder and wedged himself in between felix and jisung.

felix slowed his walking pace, dragging his feet whilst trying to tune out minho's irritating chatter. jisung had met the boy in at a cat café and fell head over heels. claimed it was 'love at first sight', which would probably mean a four month relationship.
of course minho agreed to date him, jisung was perfect after all. jealousy crept up on the blonde, i had jisung first, he's supposed to be mine. get out, leave us alone, you're ruining everything.

"lix? is something wrong?" jisung turns around and asks. the way his nose scrunched and his lips pouted was absolutely adorable. felix flashed a smile, "oh yeah everything's good. you know i just remembered i need to pick up something from the grocery shop, you two go on without me!"
"cmon sung, you heard him. let's go already" minho whined, not hesitating at all, in fact he seemed almost glad to get rid of the youngest. dragging jisung behind him, they faded into the distance, probably going to watch a movie and share a smoothie. stereotypical shallow love. the whole thing was sickening.

felix hated minho, he was so arrogant and shallow, by far the worst of jisung's relationships. he was just dating the boy for shits and giggles, felix yearned for the day minho would get bored and dump the younger, just like the many other idiotic boyfriends jisung brought home.

he couldn't wrap his head around why jisung wouldn't just open his eyes and see him as more than just platonic. the blonde would never hurt him, he would treasure him with all his heart. not like the other playboys who just wanted jisung for his body.

oh well. felix would always be there anyways. he had been for years, watching from the sidelines, hoping his chance would one day arise. that's what best friends are for, right?

after all, it's dangerous to get too close to the sun.

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