pt. 4

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"so what about minho?"

"oh whatever, he's just a boy toy. i can get rid of him, it's time to switch things up anyways." jisung waved a hand, dismissing the issue entirely.

"let me get this straight, you rotate your men? just to fuck with me?" felix said, still struggling to wrap his head around how his jisung, the pure happy-go-lucky guy, was capable of such an elaborate gameplay. when did his sweet little squirrel turn into such a sly fox?

all this time, felix thought jisung was the victim, the poor boy who constantly got played, falling for the same trick dozens of times. looking from this newfound perspective, it made way more sense. jisung was the one in control. he used them as puppets in his own twisted play.

but what was there to do now? they both quit putting up fronts, jisung seemed pretty sure of himself, but felix was completely lost. all he could think of was chan. his last resort.


       finally drifting off to sleep after a tiresome battle with insomnia, chan was finally at peace. then came abrupt knocking. chan groaned and threw a pillow over his head. this bastard sure is persistent he grunted, kicking off the covers and trudging to the door after five minutes of intense knocking.

on the other side of the door was a bundle of nerves, fidgeting with his small fingers. "christopher, do you just ignore everyone at the door?" the younger snapped, pushing his way in before chan even opened the door fully.

"felix it's the middle of the night what the fuck are you doing awake"

"boy, it's 4pm. get a grip." felix said nonchalantly, shoving his phone into chan's face and throwing himself onto the elder's bed. chan did a double take, did his concept of time just completely fly out the window?

"so what are you here for anyways?"

     "han jisung? the happy bastard? you're lying, there's no way he pulled something like that. expecially on you, aren't you all he has?" chan said, trying to process the odd situation. "do you think i'm smart enough to pull this out of my ass, because it's the cold hard truth chan."

after a few minutes of silence, chan popped in a suggestion, "just try it, what do you have to lose? he wants a game, so you play it. the ball is in your court, isn't it?"

"but what if he's manipulating me? what if i'm just the next disposable boyfriend, and he'll just toss me away when he's done?"
felix's insecurities began to bubble up.

"lix, you've known him for years. if he tells you the truth now, it means he's probably ready. besides, if he tries to hurt you in any way, i'll beat his ass." chan joked.

calming down a little, he thanked the older and ran off, not closing the door behind him. chan huffed, dragging himself up and shutting the door with a slam. mere seconds later, he was in a pile of blankets snoring.

A.N. : i didnt realise how long this story has to be, fuck. i spontaneously came up with an idea (but its literally the ending) so now i need to slow burn MYSELF. anyways stay tuned or wtv i promise the ending is the good part🥰

remember to drink some water and have a good rest if you need it <3

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