pt. 7

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chan crept closer, trying to get a glimpse of the couple at the other aisle. how many fuckers out there were named han jisung anyways, this was too much of a coincidence to ignore.

holy shit, it's really him.
a pair of alert eyes glanced up. chan quickly whipped back into hiding, fuck, did they notice him?

"babe i'm going to get some instant ramen, stay in this aisle" the unfamiliar male said, leaving jisung alone for a while.

no one came after him, phew. chan was undetected, or so he thought.
"excuse me. what the fuck are you doing, creep." a sharp voice questioned, snarkily lifting his nose up in the air.
chan jumped on the inside, who the hell was this guy, and when did he appear in front of him?

"why are you stalking me and my boyfriend?" the male prodded. "you look like those perverts that'll try and drug us, sketchy black clothing and fucking huge eye bags. no offence, by the way." he snorted, cautiously snaking around the older.

chan was taken aback, this kid sure was bold. "bunny, you're dressed in pink. you look like some cotton candy fart. i just want to know what's up with you and han jisung."

minho's stern eyes widened, growing defensive. "how do you know han."

chan folded his arms, this was a rather peculiar situation. how did he know jisung? who was this entitled whore?

"i'm felix's close friend. you know felix, jisung's boyfriend."

minho snorted, "oh that delusional bitch? hannie wouldn't dream of dating him, personally i think felix is a little too obsessed with him. like, just because they were childhood friends doesn't mean he owns jisung or something."

chan could feel his anger levels rising, who was this, and what gave him the right to talk about felix in that way? frustrated, but still keeping in mind the lack of information, chan chose not to jump to conclusions.
" you better back off, i'm here for felix and i'll beat anyone's ass once i figure out this is really an affair. "

"an affair? as if. why do you care so much about that dumb blonde anyways? got a little crush on him? ugh, why does hannie have so many creeps in his life!"

chan went quiet. a little crush, huh. that haughty boy really hit it dead-on.

"get your facts right next time, bye emo boy." minho mocked, strutting off without a hint of remorse.

chan's trip to the supermarket was cut short, he headed to the check out area and went home right after paying. he didn't even remember to get the rest of his groceries. he just couldn't figure out what to do. if he told felix, the poor boy would be heartbroken. but if he did nothing, and felix found out, wouldn't he have betrayed his friend?
yanking the door open, he threw the bags by the doorway. but before he could even get his shoes off, an unexpected voice greeted him.

"hello, christopher."

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