pt. 6

190 9 4

felix grunted, practically immobile since he woke up entangled in jisung's arms. pushing the toned arms off him, he winced. wait. why does it hurt to get up.
sure jisung cracked open a bottle and they had a few drinks last night, did they...? in a state of panic, felix shook jisung awake. "did you try something on me last night? the fuck man, i was drunk!" the other, who was still trying to keep his eyes open, groaned. "no what the hell, you're probably just sore from sleeping in that stupid cramped position all night. im not that horny"

after taking a few seconds to properly wake up, jisung shot up. "wait you think i screwed you without consent?!" he yelled, "yongbok oh my god no!" felix felt a wave of relief flush over him. he was very reserved when it came to things like that, and definitely didn't want to fully give himself up to the relationship quite yet.

"oh well then. sorry for waking you up, i'll make us some coffee" jisung muttered something along the lines of "you better" and knocked out once again. he was still recovering from the hangover and felix's earlier antics made his head feel like splitting open.


jisung's phone screen lit up.

minho hyung: hannie~ what time are we meeting up today? does my place sound good?

the coffee beans churned in the machine; just like felix's stomach.

       jisung groaned, he couldn't fall back asleep. staggering to his feet, he dragged himself to the table, felix's uncomfortable body language going unnoticed. felix took a big gulp of coffee, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. maybe jisung's just going to break up with minho in person today. yeah, its nothing. he said it was over between them, right?

he felt sick. this much distrust for his own lover, his friend since basically forever. was this relationship really a good idea? ironically, bringing them a step closer only seemed to pull them apart.

felix eyed jisung's causal tapping on the screen. the raven haired boy had zero expression in his eyes, it made felix scared. jisung's flirty little texts with minho contained no traces of love, but the older boy was too whipped to realise the fabricated lies. what if felix was in the same situation, and his heart was just in denial?

jisung, oblivious to the other's knowledge, yawned and got up from his seat. "thanks for the coffee babe, i need to get something from the mall. see you, okay?" he said, ruffling felix's hair and grabbing a coat.

"can i come?"

"uh. i'm meeting a friend that you don't know. he's from my old college, it'd be a little awkward, you know?" jisung mumbled, he had slipped up, given his current state.

shut down by the cold response, felix was left alone in the once warm, love-filled apartment.

"fucking bullshit."

                                      - - - -

   a guy dressed in soft pink leather and a white beret rushed towards jisung. his warm embrace felt so good after standing in the cold.
"hanniee, i'm sorry did i keep you waiting?"
minho pouted, linking arms with jisung.

"it was worth the wait baby, you look so cute today!" he gushed, leaning onto the older. minho flashed a gummy smile, dragging him to the supermarket a few streets down while talking his ear off.

"oh my gosh, we should get these and make smores or hot chocolate. you know all that cute shit would be perfect on this cold winter day!" minho squealed, shaking a huge bag of marshmallows as he begged with big shining eyes.
jisung grinned, letting minho add it to their shopping cart.

a young man dressed in black was shopping two aisles down. headphones in, trying to come up with lyrics for his new beat.

a sharp whine broke his train of thought,
"han jisung! i said i wanted those, don't just put them back without telling me!" "ugh you're such a brat hyung!"

who the hell is making that all that ruckus... wait. han jisung?

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