pt. 5

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    felix took a sharp inhale, walking briskly in the cold streets as the sun began to set. winter was coming, and the daylight would only last for a few hours.

a notification gently broke the silence.

hey lix! we're.. okay right? u up for dinner back at the apartment?

felix could feel excitement bubbling up in him, rushing to text back.

yep, im otw back!! <3

the small blonde figure then skipped back home, carefree and full of hope for this fresh start with his best friend, possibly boyfriend.

                                   - - - -

"you're home!" jisung ran to the door the moment he heard the click of the lock. he took a final look at the set-up and decided it was perfect. the moment felix stepped in, he was greeted by warm embrace. "sung! hi, why so clingy?" he chuckled, secretly about to combust due to the pure euphoria.

as his eyes roamed around the room, he noticed how different it looked. the previous piles of clothes and trash strewn across the apartment were cleared, and in their place stood a little table in front of the tv and a vase stuffed to the brim with daisies. the sofa had blankets and pillows piled up onto it and there were candles that contributed to the cosy atmosphere.

"do you like it?" jisung prodded, eager to get a compliment.

"i like you" felix said, rather star-struck. jisung never did this for any of his other boyfriends, they were mostly just booty calls or went on simple dates outside.

"that's cute but actually, do you like it." jisung whined, still trying to score that compliment.

"yeah, it looks amazing. thank you sungie!"
felix laughed, jisung really stopped at nothing for praise.

      "come, hurry before the pizza gets cold!" jisung dragged the other, shoving him onto the sofa. "damn, no candle lit fancy dinner?" felix teased, poking fun at jisung's inability to cook.

jisung stuck out his tongue, about to make a snarky remark, but got interrupted when felix crashed their lips together.
taken by surprise, jisung squirmed a little, but eventually melted into the kiss. it was getting heated, his fingers tangled in felix's soft blonde locks, the other hand roaming further down.
"woah! woah okay, let's stop right there-" felix pulled away, turning a deep shade of red. "sorry i got carried away, you want to just take it slow?" jisung frowned, putting his hands up and giving the other some space.
"yeah, i'm sorry. i know i started it but thank you for being patient. can you, you know. just uh. hold me?" felix mumbled awkwardly, stretching out his arms. jisung slowly pulled felix into a warm hug, easing the tension.

the rest of the night was spent under the thick blankets, the two of them huddled together comfortably sipping cheap wine as they watched a light hearted show.

after the sixth episode, jisung looked over at felix, who had fallen asleep, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart beat. "thank you for giving me a chance, i love you." he whispered, delicately brushing felix's hair to the side.

felix smiled on the inside, trying to keep his heart beat steady. i trust you, han jisung. we're in this together.

A.N. : a cute lil moment for yall because they aren't gonna have a lot of them-

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