pt. 10

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minho let go, pushing jisung onto the bed before he could interfere. "well if it isn't felix lee. do me a favour and get the fuck out of my boyfriend's house while i'm still sane."

scoffing at the stunned, clearly half asleep face, he ruthlessly muttered, "by the way, you look hideous when you just wake up." storming out before felix got the time to even catch up.

"ji... you have a lot to explain."

jisung scrambled to his feet, trying to wrap felix in a hug. all the blonde male did was give him the cold shoulder, pushing his arms off. "five seconds. talk or i go."

"lixie please, i tried to break up with him but he went all crazy and threatened me, he grabbed me felix. he wanted to hurt me. i was so scared oh my god, thank god you woke up, i can't imagine what else he would've done-"

"quit the babbling."
felix rolled his eyes, folding his arms and glaring at jisung. "save it, you're not some pussy, i know you can fight for yourself. you were literally fine in that situation, i've seen you go through worse. besides, didn't you tell me you broke up already? and stop acting like such a victim, you were two-timing, you got yourself into this mess. minho might be annoying but he has feelings too you know, hell, i can't stand that guy but i still feel so bad for him!"

sensing the other beginning to tear up, felix sharply looked away and swallowed a hard lump in his throat. he'd soften if jisung cried right now.
"i'm going somewhere to blow off some steam. don't you dare follow me, i'm not hearing you out."

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