pt. 2

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"lixie, i'm back! we went ice-skating and oh my god, minho was so cool. he did tricks and everything, he even taught me how to skate pretty well and he never let me fall, you should've come oh you really should've!" jisung mindlessly rambled, the moment he entered the room.

" oh that's great sung, but i don't really like to skate, besides i'd probably just get in the way. " felix mumbled, not even looking up from his phone.
" get in the way? of course not! bros before hoes remember?" jisung teased, throwing himself onto the younger and giving him a back hug. felix shoved him off, dropping his phone in the process. jisung sat up, puzzled. felix loved affection, why'd he push him away?

" you always say that, but all this time i've just been a third wheel. sometimes i wonder if you even care about me at all, like, when's the last time we hung out without that stupid boyfriend of yours glued to you like a leech?" felix spat, his deep voice breaking.

jisung paused, staring blankly at his friend. " you dont really think that, do you? lix you know how important you are to me-"

" hah. at this point, i don't even know anymore. "

the door slammed shut, leaving jisung spiralling in hurt and confusion.

"you what?" chan said, perplexed after listening to his friend's rant over the phone. "yea so, i may have overreacted." felix sighed, he sure was glad that there was someone else who could understand his heavy australian english at times like this.

"felix, i really think you should talk to him. clear your mind and straighten things out, the poor guy doesn't even know you have a crush on him. who knows, the feeling might be mutual" chan suggested, he didn't want a small issue like this to ruin felix and jisung's relationship with each other, it was one of the closest bonds he had ever witnessed.

exasperated with his mind not in the right place, felix cried, "he has a fucking boyfriend chan, the feeling most definitely isn't mutual. i'm sick and tired of it all, should i just move in with you? then jisung can bring all the men he wants home, and i won't have to deal with that pain."

there was a timid knock on the bathroom door, then a soft voice spoke up. "um, felix? the walls are paper thin, i kind of heard everything."

"shit. got to go chan."

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