pt. 8

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a fanciful sight lay before him, han jisung under his sheets. his hair was a mess and he was wearing one of chan's oversized shirts.

"what. on. earth." chan gasped, rubbing his eyes to make sure it wasn't a hallucination.

the younger male slipped out of bed, making his way over to chan. "i took photos of used condoms, my wrecked self and your very recognisable apartment. it'll all be sent to your darling lix if you don't comply." he whispered, faking a breathy moan in chan's ear.

"huh? how did you even get in, when did you find time to get all this done, you know what, that doesn't matter! get the fuck out. you think you can just use blackmail to step all over me? i'm going to call felix right now and tell him how fucking sick you are!"

han giggled, it made chan's skin crawl.
"who's little felix gonna believe? a shaking, crying victim, his very own precious boyfriend, or you. a weird guy he met somewhere who supposedly drugged and took advantage of me."

"shut up, i'm so much more than that to felix! he's not that gullible, he'll see right through you!"

"are you? are you really the one he's willing to risk everything for? i threw him one chance and he came running to me like some dog. between me and you, i think you know who he'll stick with."

chan lunged forward, trying to grab the phone. jisung rolled his eyes, how stupid was he. he took a step back, making chan almost fall to his feet.

"let's try that again, shall we. i'm one click away from sending those images, you better think carefully baby"

chan gave in, not like he had much of a choice anyways. if jisung went this far as to break in and set all this shit up, he probably had something important to say.

"i see you caught me with minho. of course, lixie can't know about any of this. i just want you to keep that pretty mouth shut, pretend you didn't see anything. i'm going to break up with minho, he just needs to be let down slowly. that's all." jisung explained, playing with the hem of the shirt.
chan was perplexed, what a lame excuse to justify cheating. he felt strongly against this, but was too afraid of the big risk that came with disagreeing.
jisung monitored chan's reaction, not satisfied with the unsure expression.
"and if i need to buy your silence..." han started, smirking as he continued to tease the shirt hem. chan flushed red, "i get it, i won't say anything. but you better break up fast."

han cooed, relieved that he got chan under his grip. "see how easy that is, now that we're on the same page, i need to use your shower and head back to my place. can't have felix suspecting anything, right?" he winked, grabbing his clothes and waltzing into the bathroom as if he owned the place.

han jisung, that manipulative bitch. felix, you know i'd never treat you the way he does, right?

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