pt. 11

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pick up pick up pick up...please...  it hurts, everything hurts. where are you, i need you right now...

felix wanted to tear everything apart. throw his phone on the ground. his hair was frizzed and tangled from the tugging and crying. he wanted to rip out his hair, or rather, rip out his heart. tears were spilling down his damp cheeks from his swollen eyes and he couldn't think straight.

jisung never loved you, you're the idiot for believing even a second of that joke. this entire thing was probably a prank to him.

why did i take him seriously. he never loved me!

the monotonous dial tone of the outgoing call only added to the pain in his head.

on the other side, chan stared at the bright screen, his eyes burning red. he couldn't talk to felix right now, what if he spilled everything. it was just so overwhelming, perhaps felix already found out. if he did, he would need chan to console him, right? goddamnit chris, pick up the phone. you aren't the one with a lousy boyfriend, what if felix needs you right now?

heaving in a final nervous breath, chan picked up.

"fuck oh my god chan thank you so much for responding. i'm so sorry i just need you to be here for me, i need someone's supervision so i don't do anything i regret later. i can't do this anymore, jisung is just too much. hell, i'm sitting on a cold park bench because i feel like i can't even go back to my own home. he literally hasn't broken up with minho and probably had no intention to in the first place-"

a wave of guilt washed over chan as he heard the younger pouring his heart out, barely taking gasps of air in between furious rants.

when he sensed felix beginning to cool down and catch his breath, he gently whispered, "lix, there's something i need to tell you. take your time, collect yourself and head over to my apartment, okay?"

he heard a huff on the other end of the line, "okay see you."

then there was deafening silence once more.

after half an hour of the clock's painful ticking, the door creaked open. a timid voice broke the dull suspense.
"...hey chan."

"felix, baby, you poor thing!" chan cried, rushing towards him and wrapping him in a tight hug. piling him with soft blankets and setting him down somewhere warm, chan ran all over the apartment getting stuff like tissues and hot tea for felix.

"so... what did you want to tell me. i'm already sick of the whole jisung thing, i'd love to distract myself with something else." felix sighed, not even making eye contact with the older.

"oh. uh, well. i was just worried, it didn't sound like you were going to head back to your place anytime soon so i said i needed to tell ypu something so you'd come over and have somewhere to stay!" chan rambled, choosing to shut up about what happened earlier since felix wasn't feeling it. he didn't want to worsen the situation, maybe he'd wait till tomorrow. holding it in for just a little while more wouldn't hurt anyone anyways...

"oh the pizza came, i'll get it!"

as chan rushed to the door, felix decided to head to chan's bed. he was exhausted after that emotional roller-coaster, he had a right to sleep after all that. crashing onto the soft sheets, felix inhaled a familiar scent. it calmed him down, he felt safe with that smell. wait. this is jisung's cologne.

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