pt. 12

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"christopher, can you get over here right this fucking instant?" a yell erupted from the room as chan's stomach churned.

felixs voice was calm, unsettling. it made chan shiver. "why are your sheets practically drenched in my boyfriend's cologne and sweat, chris."

"oh that's... that's just my new cologne, when you called i was taking a nap-"

"nah don't bullshit with me right now. i bought that for jisung back when i went to europe with my parents a few months ago. what the fuck is going on."

felixs eyes were ice cold, but chan swore he could see the trust shattering right in front of him through those glossy pupils.

slowly moving towards his friend, he sank onto the mattress.
"felix, there's something you should know,"


"oh and after that, he offered his um. body, for my silence too."

"he what!? you've been awfully quiet about this till i caught on, it sounds like you took up that offer!" felix shouted, too angry to be rational. "

chan stood up, mouth agape.
"you know i'd never. listen to yourself right now, stop these blind accusations!"

"no ok that was stupid of me, han jisung is a damn psychopath! who even... how did he come up with this shit? why cant he just come clean, tell me the truth!" felix groaned, struggling to form sentences. words couldn't convey how genuinely perplexed he was.
"the same goes for you, you think im some baby that needs to be protected? you're leaving me in the dark all the time chris! do you think im that vulnerable? you need to tell me these things!"

chan had held his tongue long enough, he wants me to tell him everything? alright.

an irrational mumble slipped out. "this wouldn't have happened if you never dated that slut-" the moment that sentence left his mouth, chan could feel the regret.

"christopher. may i remind you who reassured me. who told me to go for it. fucking hypocrite"

felix no longer felt safe in chan's place, he was better off going home before things blew up again. the last thing he needed was another friendship destroyed that day. jisung's probably out smoking or rebounding with some bitch from the bar anyways.

chan tried to protest but something told him the two of them had to sort it out by themselves. it wasn't his place to tell felix what to do anymore anyways.

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