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“Hi, my name is Ashton, welcome to—oh hey, it’s you guys,” the brunette said with a smile. He was in a forest green smock, his camo headband holding back his curls.

Calum was a glowing mess, “This is the infamous Michael G. Clifford.”

Michael held out his hand, politely introducing himself. “I’ve heard lots about you.”

Ashton seemed to always be smiling, even at his shitty job at a café, “Anyways, what can I get you two?”

The two roommates ordered, Mike watched as stars were in Calum’s eyes. He was so infatuated with the older boy and Michael didn’t know what to do about it. “You’re slobbering,” Mike said after Ashton turned away.

Cal sat up straight, wiping at his mouth, “Was it that obvious?”

“He cannot possibly be straight,” Cal sighed, “Jesus Christ, I fucked him in the ass, you can’t just stand up and go ‘yeah, I’m straight, by the way’.”

“I mean, technically, he can.” Michael shrugged his shoulders as he played with the skin around his finger nail. 

Calum rolled his eyes, “That’s not the point.” The dark-haired boy was batting his eyelashes as he followed the strong line up and down Ashton’s back. He was so broad, so strong. Calum still had deep red lines lining his back—he knew Ash was forceful. “What about your lover boy?”

“He doesn’t want to date,” Michael said with sad eyes.

Their drinks came and conversation halted. Ashton left them with a smile as he went to serve the next table. 

“Why?” Calum asked. He ripped of the corners of his croissant, dipping them into his expresso. 

Michael scrunched up his face at his roommate’s poor table etiquette. “He says he’s busy,” Mike scuffed. 

“That’s so stupid, does he not realize what you do?” Cal was Mike’s photographer/driver/bookings manager/best friend. Cal has grown up with the blue-haired boy, even followed him across the country with his thirty thousand dollars in camera gear. 

Calum drove Michael everywhere, he called up venues to book Michael almost every night of the week, he made sure Michael was okay. He was like Michael’s bandmate, except not really. 

“I told him, I just don’t think he cares.”

Cal finished the French pastry in record time, he started to drink the expresso knowing he wouldn’t sleep for another week and a half. “I don’t think that’s true. He seems so nice, like a little kitten.”

Michael blushed, dragging a spoon through the whip cream of his hot mocha. 

“Oh geez, is his pet name kitten, too?” Calum rolled his eyes, bad memories of his roommate’s orgasm ringing through their apartment. 

Mike nodded, “Sorry.”

“If you ever plan on doing it in our apartment, please kick me out first.”

It was twelve hours later when Ashton came home with sore feet and a pounding headache. “Dammit, Lucas!” Ash yelled as he tripped over a pair of shoes.

Luke peaked his head from around the corner of their kitchen, layers of some type of sandwich hanging out of his mouth. “Hey. They found a blonde penguin in Antarctica today. It looks just like me, do you want to see—?”

“No, Luke, I don’t want to see the albino penguin.” Ashton sat down on their sofa, resting his head against the wall and his feet up on the table between two stacks of papers. 

Luke eyed the large feet, not liking them on the furniture. “It’s actually not albino,” he answered. 

“I’m mad at you.”

He took a plate from the drying rack, placing his dinner on it. Luke made his way over to the couch, crossing his feet under his lanky body and facing Ashton. “I meant to move my shoes, I swear. At least I’m wearing pants today.”

Ash opened one eye, making sure Luke wasn’t lying to him. “You’re being a dick to Michael.”

“Oh, so now he’s not that kid, he actually has a name?” Luke sarcastically teased. He rolled his eyes in a diva manner before taking a bite of his sandwich (he was very proud at the beauty he’s made). 

“He came into the café today complaining to his friend that you’re too busy to date him. If you’re gonna f.uck him, you’ve gotta treat him right. Don’t do that 5o Shades of Abuse shit, you’re too good for that, Lukey.”

The blonde shrugged, suddenly losing appetite. “Did he seem mad?”

Ash put a hand over his head, too tired to get a pain killer. “No, he just seemed annoyed. Calum talks so loud though, Jesus, I could hear every word.” 

Luke picked at the slices of meat on his plate, taking them out of the bread and eating them slowly. He felt bad, now. “I mean, like, I want to be in a relationship with him, just not right now. Not until I know where I’m going to be in the fall.”

Ashton shrugged, “Just don’t make him feel like you’re too busy, if anything, he’s too busy. I’ve seen that kid perform, he’s really good.” The older boy stood up, stretching out his back. He walked into the kitchen, looking for any time of pain killer that would soothe his hurting head. 

Luke sighed. He opened up his phone and went back to watching videos of the blonde penguin. 

(a/n) filler chapter, double update

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