thirteen +

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thirteen +

“Stand up,” Michael demanded. 

Luke looked at him, furrowing his eyebrows. He stood up though, the hot sand of the beach burning his toes. He pulled his black tank top down more, tucking in the right seam to his basket ball shorts. 

“Now move to the left a bit,” Mike kept directing him, “Stay. Perfect.”

“Are you using me as a sun-blocker?”

“No, my DS had an awful glare because of the sun,” the blue haired boy answered. “Okay, maybe a little bit to block the sun. I’m a pale boy, I don’t want to get burned!” He added, looking up at Luke and squinting his eyes. 

Luke rolled his eyes, sitting back down on the spread out beach towel. Michael groaned, trying to reposition himself to minimize the reflection on his gaming device. 

The sun was burning into their skin, and even with three layers reapplied to their skin every hour, both boys are bound to get burned to a crisp.
Michael was leaning against the cooler, the white tee shirt on him was baggy and old, many holes lining it. He had swimming shorts on yet no motivation to actually go into the shining blue Atlantic Ocean. 

Luke was flat on his back, his hipbones poking out from his rising tank top. Mike would occasionally look over at the older boy and just feel self conscious. Michael found himself feeling like that around Luke often, he felt like he wasn’t good enough. 

The blonde rolled onto his side and bent his elbow, leaning his heavy head on his hand. He looked up at Michael, his blue eyes gleaming. 

“What?” Michael asked with a chuckle.

“Do you know how pretty you are?”

Mike laughed, telling himself it was the sun causing the red tint on his cheeks, not that he was blushing. “You’re being annoying.”

Luke jutted out his lower lip, “I’m being cute, pay attention to me.”

“You’re like a needy cat,” he added, closing his DS and placing it in the pocket of his book bag. 

“Well, I am your kitten.”

Michael looked back at him with his eyebrows raised, “Oh.” He slid down on the blanket, pressing his lips to Luke’s in a quick peck. “Yes, you are.”

Luke had a ridiculous smile on his lips as he ushered Michael onto his back and rested his head on Mike’s chest. He wrapped his arms around Michael’s torso, wrapping his fingers around the cotton material. “Are you excited to finish all this schooling?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I wasn’t really excited to start it all. I don’t understand how you stayed around for two years doing this nonsense.”

“Ashton still has a year until his masters. Thank God I’m not doing that,” he scuffed. Luke rubbed his nose more into Michael’s soft chest, taking in his scent.

Mike had his hand running up and down Luke’s back slowly, the other behind his head. “Do you wanna leave soon and get some lunch?”

“What? No! We haven’t even been in the water yet!” 

Michael rolled his eyes, “There are so many families spring breaking here. I don’t even like water.”

“You’re gonna have the weirdest tan lines if you don’t take off your shirt,” Luke said, pulling at the seam, “I’ve seen you naked, don’t be so upset with yourself.”

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