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Dr. Ren was sitting next to Luke, the Dean across from them. The room was air conditioned to the point where goosebumps filled the pale patches on Luke's arm. 

"So, Mr. Hemmings," the Dean started, he crossed his legs and opened the twenty-three-year-old's file, "You're about to finish through the TA program, now what would you like to do?"

"I've applied to a few high schools, I'm just waiting on their responses now," he answered. 

"I wrote very nice rec. letters, even if you didn't quite deserve them," Dr. Ren spoke, looking at Luke from the corner of her deep brown eyes. 

Luke bit his lip, "Thank you."

"You should know, once you're a professional, you can't simply goof off in class. I saw you messing with the students constantly in my class."

The blonde nodded, "Noted."

Michael laid on his bed like a starfish. A large, grey tee shirt was upon his body, plain blue boxers on his legs. Calum laid next to him, scrolling up and down his phone. 

"So you're sure he's never dated a boy?" Michael asked. 

Cal nodded, "Definitely. I went through his Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, everything. I see a few things with girls, but apparently no men."

Mike bit his lip as his eyes followed the fast pattern of the ceiling fan. "But haven't you, like, done it."

"I've been inside of him at least a dozen times now, and he still rolls over saying 'no homo'."

Michael bursted into laughter before turning to look at his best friend. They both had smiles upon their lips. Calum has been Mike's back bone for an endless amount of time. He's been his hopeful future. He's been his support. He's been Michael's happiness and will always be that. 

Luke called his mother the second he got in the car. He was in full blown tears, his pale cheeks a blotchy shade, his light eyes a bloodshot blue. "I hate my life," he said once the ringing tone stopped. 

"Luke?" His mother's voice filled the radiowaves. 

"Teaching is stupid," he stated, trying to keep his voice strong. 

Ms. Hemmings let out a chuckle, "It's far too late to change your degree."

"I don't even know what to do anymore, Mom."

"You're always welcome back home, both of your brothers came back after college."

Luke leant his head against the steering wheel, his breaths were jagged. "Remember that guy I told you about?"

"Colored hair?"

Luke nodded even though his mother couldn't see him. "I think he and I are official now, and he's definitely staying here, I think."

"Baby, you can't say 'definitely' and 'I think' in the same sentence," she tsked. 

Luke rolled his eyes as he sat properly in the drivers seat. He turned on the ignition, turning the knob of the air conditioning on full blast. Summer was coming along, and for once, it wasn't comforting for anyone. "I really like him. I don't want to break it off."

Michael let out a bellowing laughter as he pointed at Cal's screen. "Look at that fringe. How old was he, fifteen?"

Calum was chuckling too, even if he knew it wasn't nice. He was already going straight to hell, he didn't have much to lose anymore. "I'm sure your loser was worse."

"He still looks like a twelve year old," Michael responded as he continued to scroll down Ashton's feed.

Cal rested his head on Mike's shoulder, "Amazing."

Luke scrunched up his eyebrows as he stopped at a red light. "No, Mom," he said into the phone, "You can not come to his graduation."

"We have to come up to help you move anyways!" Ms. Hemmings responded. 

Luke switching his phone to his other ear as the light turned green. He was endangering everyone's life, but he wanted to get home and talk to his number one fan at the same time. "You're going to embarrass me. He's really cool and I don't want him to realize how lame I am."

"Oh, Honey. I think he knows you by now."

The blonde scuffed, "Thanks for the love and support."

"Please let us meet him. What if he's the one?"

Luke blushed. He wiped the drying tears from his face from earlier. "Then you'll meet him at our wedding."

(a/n) probably gonna update again in a minute

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