thirty seven

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thirty seven

Michael and Luke sat next to each other in the Nashville airport. They were an hour early for their flight and had nothing to do. It was barely seven in the morning and Michael looked severely sleep deprived and homeless. 

Luke was jumping from the three cups of expressos he consumed in an hour. He was literally jumping up and down and over their suitcases. 

"Sit the fuck down," Michael grumbled. He was not a morning person. 

Luke plopped from his standing six feet position down into a criss-cross position like a five year old. "I am sat."

"You can't use a past tense—you know what? Never mind." Michael stretched out his feet until the rested on Luke's bright blue suitcase. He crossed his arms over his tan crewneck and leant his head back on the airport chair. 

Luke stood up and stretched his limps like a cat. He took his original seat next to Michael, leaning his head on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around his bicep. "Why are you grumpy?"

"I'm tired."

Luke blew air up at his cheek. "You're always tired."

Michael looked down at him. "Why are you so happy?"

"Because you're here."

Mike squinted his eyes, "Are you high right now?"

"No!" Luke sat back in his seat. "I really love caffeine, and you."

"I love you, too."

Luke held the ends of his feet and stretched out his long legs are far as he could. His hipbones cracked as he sat back in his sea of luggage. "Can I ask you a silly question?"

"You just did."

"Mikey," Luke trailed off, dragging out his name.

"Fine, go for it."

He jumped around in his seat until he faced his fiancé in a comfortable position. His knees were bent as he leant forward, even closer to Michael. His hands were in his lap then they were squeezing the seat bar that separated them. "So, your mom was saying how she's been sending you check for years but you never used them. You didn't even cash them. I, I don't understand that. I mean, if my parents sent me cash you know sure as hell I'd use it right away and—."

Michael cut his rambling short. "Because I wanted to do this all myself."

"They were just trying to help you, Boo."

"I needed to prove to myself that I didn't need them," Michael said. He rubbed his hands over his eyes as he sat up straight. The two were now facing each other. "I didn't need my parents sending money so that they feel better about themselves."

"That's so punk rock," Luke sighed. He rested back in his seat. "Do you just have a pile of four years worth of cashed checks laying around?"

"I shredded them. They can keep their fucking money."

Luke swayed in his seat. "Dang, son. You need to chill." 

The sun was rising from the horizon, the glass windows showed landing and departing plans. Luke laid his head on Michael's shoulder once more, attaching their hands together. He tapped the beat of the classical music playing overhead on the back of Michael's hand.

The younger boy sighed, resting his own head on top of Luke's. "I love you, Luke."

"I love you so much."

Michael pressed a kiss to the top of his flat blonde hair before sitting back up in his seat. He's really happy with Luke. He doesn't remember a time where he's been truly able to admit that he is happy. He can't remember being sad since Luke has been in his life. 

This is true love, at least to Michael. 

(a/n) hi, i'm really happy to announce that there WILL be a sequel! there are three chapters left of Thinking About You, then the sequel is called Baby, I'll Show You The World. it's obviously not published yet since this story isn't done yet.

i'm super busy these next few days, so i'm not sure when i will have time to publish the last few chapters. i really want to get more ahead in the sequel before i start publishing. idk why, it's just more comforting for me to be ahead.

anyways, i hope you all have a great weekend <33

xo, soph

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