Broken and Hurt

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Hey guys im back again with a new chapter for ya i hoope you enjoy it

EJ:*eating kidneys and sitting in LJ's lap*

LJ: hehehehe *eats candy*

Me: what the heck is going on here?

EJ and LJ: *blushes* um nothing

Me: aw how cute u both are together *laughing at their red faces* well here is the story now


(EJ's pov)
 He said he loved me and i believed him. I'm so fucking stupid. i was just plaything a toy. I mean nothing to him and he doesn't care. Why do i keep being stupid?  im so messed up right because of LJ. i'm starting to become insane now. i  dont want to hear anything he has to say to me. I'll just forget about him yea thats what i'll do. If he doesn't care about me then i'll be the monster that my old traitorious friends want me to be. I'll be their weapon to use against LJ and the others. My heart has been torn and ripped to pieces then stomped all over. I'm already shattered to dust. My heart can't be mended this time. im far too gone in my insanity im done with all of them including LJ. You won't break me apart this time. I want nothing to do with anyone. But there is still part of me thatstills loves LJ. I'm gonna throw away everything. Forget my past. Forget everything. Forget LJ. i don't need anyone.  He hurt me so much saying those things. Cause just for this once  I finally thought someone loved me but i was wrong. I feel so broken and hollow inside cause my heart is empty. I hear footsteps. when i turn around i see LJ along with Gwendolyn, Bloody Painter, Jeff , Liu, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Slenderman and his brothers offenderman, trendorman and splendorman. They all look at me with worried looks but i don;t care anymore.  I hate them all especially LJ. I look at them with an insane smile and a broken look on my face. They look in shock and horror. I hold my scalpel up to my neck and start to cut.

Slenderman: EJ you need to come back with us. *tries to reason with EJ*

Liu: EJ put the scalpel down were not gonna hurt you.

Splendorman: please don't do anything that you'll regret EJ

Offenderman: were only here to talk.

Ej: talk? you wanna talk? how about instead you all stay away from me!! *digs his scalpel slightly deep into his neck*

Masky: EJ drop th e scalpel now!!

Hoodie: Please stop hurting yourself!! *tears up behind his mask*

Toby: Please don't do this EJ, just let us help you.

Jeff: EJ just listen to what we have to say please!?

EJ: *starts laughing brokenly* I'm not gonna listen to any of you

*everyone begs EJ to come back and listen to what LJ has to say*

(LJ's pov)

I ask them all to leave me and EJ alone for a while and they nods their heads while leaving. Gwen and I were testing to see how much EJ loves me but I didnt think this would happen. After hearing what i had said mus have broke him down to becoming insane. I didn't really think that he would  end up being like this. What i did was wrong and now I just want to help EJ.  I tried to get him to listen to me but it was no use cause he keeps refusing to. I call everyone to come back and they do. Suddenly were all somewhere dark and cold. Then we hear EJ's demon talk.

Demon: your in EJ's heart.


thats it for this chapter see ya in the next one comment and te me what you thought please?

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