The betrayal

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hi im back again with more new things and I hope you enjoy this.

EJ: *kissing LJ*

LJ: *kissing EJ*

Me: Both  of you quit with your make out session!!!

Both: *pulls away and blushes*

Me: *falls over laughing* your faces are as red as a cherry. well anyway here is the story now.


(weeks later)

(LJ's pov)

After EJ had left, we all enjoyed ourselves a lot. I couldn't help but have the feeling that something was wrong and I mean very wrong. I just ignored I and went downstairs with everyone. Ben is doing well now since that incident. I can't help but wonder where EJ had went. I shake my head free from that thought. I need to quit thinking about EJ he hurt Ben and that's was wrong so we did what was best for all of us. I get downstairs and see Ben and  Jeff rolling around on the floor  arguing so I just chuckle and watch them.

Jeff: hey LJ!! *trying to grab the game controller from Ben* Give me the controller  Ben!!

Ben: Hi LJ!!  *keeps the controller away from Jeff* No way!!

I walk into the kitchen eating my candy I always had. There was mysterious note for me. I rip off the wall and walk into the living room. Everyone has notes in their hands even sally. Some of them were panicking.

(EJ's pov)

After I quit crying I started my plan of revenge on them. I started laughing insanely as I put my plan into action. Traitors are always traitors.  I wonder if they even knew that I was being controlled like a puppet on strings. My heart grows dark again only this time it's darker than before and there's no going back now. I can never hurt anyone in the slender mansion. I thought they wouldn't betray me but I was proved wrong so badly. I didn't mean to hurt Ben.

I have nowhere to go now and I have no one anymore cause LJ hates me. I hear footsteps around me. I bet it's Jenny again and I forgot the other one's name. I swear I'll kill them for what they did. I don't care about what happens to me o the fact i'm alone again. I suddenly get hit in the back of the head with something hard and I black out.

(LJ's pov)

We were all scared by this even me.  Then every light in the mansion goes out and we hear laughing. Im getting tired of this. I hear some of them panicking again.  Why is this happening to us?  What is going on?

Jenny: Hello pasta's *evil laughter* I'm Jenny EJ's old friend. I must thank you for betraying him for something he didn't even do. *laughs more I controlled like a puppet on strings.

*everyone gasps in shock and horror*

Where is EJ!?!?

Bloody Painter: What did you do with him?*angry*

Toby: Gives us back EJ!!!!!

Masky: Where is he!!?

*everyone is sent somewhere and dropped into a cage next to EJ*

Toby: *sees EJ* EJ!!

We all look over and see EJ sitting there watching us but not saying a word.


He looks so broken and hurt. We all have the same thing on our minds.

What have we done?


Well im finally done with this chapter  I hope you have enjoyed this and i'll be back with another one for ya bye.

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