Running away and New love

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Hi Im back my little kidneys!!! :D

EJ: LJ Why do you eat so much candy?

LJ: EJ Why do you eat kidneys so much?

Me: Clever very clever with that one.

EJ: Kidneys taste amazing and I love them.

LJ: I love candy and I'm a clown.

Me: Can I have a kidney EJ? well anyway here is the story hope you enjoy.



EJ's pov

I was walking outside looking for LJ. I find Everyone else cheering for something. Climbing into the tree I see LJ and Gwen kissing. They pull away and I hear LJ say those 3 words he says to me " I love you". I felt my hatred towards them all build up. Anger fills me to the brim. I'm betrayed yet again.

I silently get out of the tree. I run off to the one place and the two people I have left. My sister Lucy and My old crush Chris. I keep running and I don't stop until I reach that demonic door with the dark vines around it. I open the door and walk through it not looking back with one on my mind.

They'll regret this and I'm never going back. The door slams shut behind me. I see Lucy and Chris talking to each other. I let out the tears I've been holding in for so long since I found out. They see me and run over.

EJ what's wrong? Lucy asks me. I just keep crying. She hugs me while starting to rock back and forth with me. I hug her tightly.

Please tell us EJ? Chris says to me. I quit crying and tell them everything. They looks so angry. My sister goes somewhere and then comes back. She looked shocked.

They are coming here EJ. That mansion was burned down by "him". Chris you stay here with him while I go get them ok. Chris nods his head and my sister leaves. Chris then kisses me on my lips. I kiss back smiling into it.

I love you EJ. Be my boyfriend? I hug him tightly. Yes and I love you to Chris.

LJ's pov

The mansion was burned down by a mysterious demon and EJ was nowhere to be found. I kissed Gwen and said I love to her cause I fell in love with her.

A girl comes and says her name is Lucy.

I'm also the sister of Eyeless Jack. We stare in shock. I'm not happy with any of you and neither is he. Now follow me. We follow her. He found out. I never wanted to hurt him. She leads us to a demonic looking door with black and green vines around it.

All of you are to stay away from my little brother. She opens the door and we walk through it. I hear the door slam shut behind us.

EJ!!! Chris!!! She walks off yelling for some people. Two people walk out and I see that blue mask of EJ's. But he doesn't have it on and he's holding someone else's hand lovingly.

We all sit on the floor and talk among ourselves. Gwen walks over to me and starts talking.

Be happy LJ!! She says to me. I can't be happy without EJ. I've made a horrible mistake.

I am happy Gwen. I fake my smile and she believes me.

I watch EJ kiss his new boyfriend.



Hope you enjoyed this!! LJ how could you!! :3 Bye bye!!

LJ x EJ Lovers in HellWhere stories live. Discover now