Talking and Escape

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Hi im back and giving you another chapter to read.  Hope you enjoy it.

EJ: *sleeping on LJ*

LJ: *hugging EJ and sleeping*

Me: *yells* You two are so adorable!!!!!

Both: *wakes up falling off the couch*

Me: *runs away laughing* that was hilarious. well anyway here is the story


( EJ's pov)

I've been trapped in here for hours and just feel completely broken. Then I hear people being dropped into cage next to mine. I lift up my head and see that it was LJ and everyone else. I sit there and watch them until Toby sees me.

I hear him yell "EJ!!!". They all look over at me and then try to get me to talk but I don't.  I don't say a word to anyone not even to my demon.  I'm covered in bruises, cuts with dried blood and scars. I've started cutting myself after they betrayed me but they wouldn't care.  I hear Slender and everyone talking among themselves until I hear someone call my name. I look over and see them looking at me.

Slenderman: We know the truth EJ. We know you didn't hurt Ben and that you were being controlled.  Were all very sorry EJ.

LJ: Please forgive us EJ. I'm sorry I hit you.

Bloody Painter: I'm really sorry EJ please forgive me.

Liu: Please say something.

SHUT UP!!!! I never really yell unless I'm hurt or upset about something.

(LJ's pov)

We stare in shock when EJ yelled.  He never really yells at anyone unless he was hurt. He must be beyond hurt by what we did to him.  Too bad  we can't get close to him cause the bars in the middle keeps us separated. Sally kicks one of the bars and it falls off.  The cage we were in falls apart and so does EJ's cage.  I can hear the sound of crying so I look over at EJ seeing that's where it's coming from.

Toby: Does anyone else hear crying?

Masky: yeah I can hear it to

Hoodie: I do to

Trendorman: but where is it coming from. *everyone looks over at EJ*

I slowly walk over to EJ and kneel down in front of him to make sure he's alright. I put my hand on his shoulder but he doesn't back away or flinch.

EJ? Are you alright? I Hear him mumbling something and then he looks at me.

EJ: Don't hurt me. *sobbing loudly but quietly* It hurts *clutches his heart and curls into himself*

The cages then fall apart. They are all free now and they can escape

(EJ's pov)

He doesn't have his mask on. He's covered in bruises, scars and cuts.  Why am I just sitting here? The cage is broken apart so I'm free right?  I feel so pathetic and useless. I stand up weakly and I almost fall over. I just want out of this place already it has bad memories. Bad things always happen when I'm around.  At least I know how to get out of here. I walk over to a small opening. Follow me. I can hear them following me. I lead them through  shortcuts, twist and turns.  Turning down a long  hall way I start running to the exit. I  kick open the door which was blocked from the outside open. Finally I'm outside of that place. I watch everyone else come out and start smiling. I start walking away from them  to I don't know where. 

Wait EJ!! I turn to look at them.  Watching them walk over I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder. I look over at the hand with black claws and bandages. It was LJ's hand so I smack his hand away from me harshly.

What do you all want this time? I say in a harsh voice making them flinch away.

LJ: Please stay with us EJ. EJ is shocked and angered by this.


Will EJ stay or go? Find out in the next chapter and I hoped you enjoyed this bye.

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