Chapter 2

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Next Day...

My parents are coming to the hospital today to find out my decision. I'm walking around the floor with two of my friends one is a patient here the other is my childhood friend. We all talk about what I should pick. It's a Saturday which means no school or chemotherapy. As we walk by the elevator doors, for what seems like the thousandth time, my parents walk out of the opening. They see me and wave. I walk to them and give both a hug. My father kisses my head and rubs my back. My mother kisses my cheek and smoothes a lock of my hair.

"Hey baby how are you feeling today?" My mom asks smiling.

"I'm doing good and you?"

"I'm good too."

"Hey baby girl what's going on?" He asks referring to my decision.

"My friends and I were just discussing what I should pick." I say pointing to them.

"Oh hello Jane and Darcy." My mother says greeting them.

"How are you doing Darcy? Is your mother coming today?" She asks.

Darcy is a patient here like me. She's been here longer though, for about three years now. We became close after having therapy sessions together.

"No ma'am. She's busy today." Darcy replies hiding her sadness with a smile.

"That's a shame. Well we are here today if want to join us with what we do today." My father offers.

"Thank you Mr and Mrs Grey." Darcy says.

"That goes for you too Jane." My mother says.

"Thank you." Jane smiles.

Jane is my childhood friend. We known each other since preschool. We are a bit different from each other. She is a girly kind of girl and I'm more of a bookworm and sports kind of girl. I'll dress up every now and then, but other then that I'm in sweats or jeans or clothes that are comfortable to me.

"So Violet have you made your decision yet?" My father smiles.

"Yes, I have." I reply.

"Okay which is it?" Mother asks.

"The concert. I want to be able to see them in a live show." I smile from ear to ear.

"Great! Okay now ready for the surprise that comes with it?" My father asks grasping his hands together.

"Yes." I squeal a bit and hold on to my friends hands tightly.

"Okay well... You're getting backstage passes for both bands and you get to hang out with them for an hour after the show by yourself! Of course we'll be checking on you."

I freeze. I can't comprehend how amazing this is. All I can do is smile. Smile so big that my face starts hurting. Then I realize that this not some kind of fantasy or dream and I scream. Jumping up and down with my friends like I'll be able to touch a cloud. I let go of my friends hands and hug my parents tightly. They hug me back and I tear up. This has always been a dream of mine. I just wanted to meet them and see them live! I would've never imagined that I'd get to spend time with them.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I shout happily.

"You're welcome darling. Now the concert is two days from now. So we asked the doctors if you would be able to go and try agreed, they also agreed to letting Darcy come too. And Jane your parents said that it was fine as well." My mother tells us then my friends and I look at each other and scream. We hug each other and jump up and down again. I get a bit dizzy so we stop.

"As an early gift we also have a limo waiting for you to take you shopping for any outfits that you'd all like to wear. Jane, Darcy everything is paid for so don't worry. Nurse Jones will be accompanying you girls. As Violet's mother and I have things to plan at the moment." My father says. All of us hug my parents and we go back to our rooms to get ready to leave.

We get to the mall around 6:30pm and there's no one here except us. Darcy has her surgical mask on so she doesn't breathe in anything harmful. I don't need one unless I have a really bad day. All the stores we shop at are open so we start looking around.

About an hour later Darcy and Jane have found outfits to wear including shoes and accessories, but I haven't. We get to the last store that we haven't looked at. I'm looking around and then I spot it! The perfect outfit for me to show of the way I love to dress.

**I have a Polyvore that I make outfits for my stories on if you want to look at them. My username is deyzialuv***

I try it on and my friends cheer in excitement.

"You're style is almost exactly like Harry's." Jane comments.

"I like dressing comfy, but fashionable. If that's what he likes too, then that's great." I say smiling looking at myself in the mirror. I've shed a lot of weight from when I was admitted into the hospital to now. I have curves in the right places, but I'm not exactly tall. I'm very short, 4'10 to be exact. I'm a small little thing, but all my friends think its cute, I don't see what they see. We get my outfit and head back to the hospital. I feel really weak which means I probably need my medication. Nurse Jones gathers us into the limo again.

When we arrive at the hospital and are escorted by nurses back inside. My parents are waiting in mine and Darcy's room when we get back. Jane is staying the night in the hospital. Sometimes they allow her to which makes Darcy and I happy. We all change in the bathroom at different times, I'm last one. My mother helps me onto my bed and my father helps Darcy onto hers. Jane is laying in a bed that they brought in for her.

"Alright girls I hope you all had a wonderful time. We'll be seeing you tomorrow." My father says leaving the room with my mother. Nurse Jones enters with both mine and Darcy's medication. We take it and soon start to drift off. The medication makes us really droopy and tired. Jane is already asleep so is Darcy, but the medicine hasn't made me tired enough to fall asleep. I look at the poster of One Direction on the wall and smile. In two days Darcy, Jane, and me will meet them.

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