Chapter 9

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Next morning

Liam's POV

"Excuse me Miss, where is Violet Grey's room?" I ask the lady behind the desk.
"Are you a family member or friend?" She asks not looking up from her computer screen.
"We're friends." She looks up and her eyes go big.
"Oh, um, uh she is um... I'll just take you." She says getting up from her desk hitting her leg in the process. She curses under her breath and tries to smile off her pain.
"Follow me." She says.
"Guys come on." I tell the others. We begin walking through the confusing hallways.
"Harry really likes this girl huh?" Louis smirks and wags his eyebrows.
"I think so." I reply not trying to give away anything that Harry wouldn't want them knowing just yet. We texted quite a bit last night.
"That's good. He needs someone who makes him happy and does't use him for his fame and money. Someone who will bring him joy everyday." Louis says back. I look at him with raised eyebrows.
"What? I can be mature when I want too." He shrugs and I chuckle.
"Good to know Lou."
"So do you think he's going to ask her out by the end of the week?" He says becoming childish again.
"You mean before we go back on tour?"
"Yeah." He replies eagerly.
"I don't know? I hope not, because that will break them both. You know, since they won't see each other for long periods of time. Plus what if something happens to Violet while we're gone? How do you think that would affect Harry?" I say hoping he won't encourage Harry to ask her out just yet. Louis thinks about it and his facial expression turns from excitement to realization.
"Yeah you're right. He should wait. I don't want to see him torn apart again, not after her." He says whispering the last part. I nod in agreement.

The lady from the front desk stops in front of a room with big sliding doors. The curtains are still shut and she goes in to check if everything is okay. She comes back out and allows us inside.

"Thank you." I say shaking her hand and the others follow my actions. We all walk in and she closes both sliding doors after we're inside. It's dark in here but not too dark to where you can't see where you are going. One of the hospital beds is vacant. I'm guessing that's Darcy's, but where is she? I walk closer to the bed near the window and see Violet with her oxygen mask on. Her short hair is going everywhere and sticking up crazy. Then there's Harry right next to her in his own bed. He's laying on his stomach. His hair covers his face. Then I notice that their hands are touching each other. Their fingers are almost intertwined. I get out my phone and take a picture of it so I can show Harry later. The boys were snickering behind me. I shushed them then went to wake up Harry. I shook my lightly and he groaned.
"Harry, mate, wake up." I say trying not to disturb Violet.
"Five more minutes." He grunts.
"Harry wake up so you don't disturb Violet." I say and he opens his eyes then realizes that he's not in a hotel room. He turns his head and looks at Violet. I see a smile only big enough for me to see form on his face. He moves his hand away from hers slowly then begins getting off the bed.
"What time is it?" He asks stretching then shaking out his hair with his hand.
"It's nine-thirty in the morning." I say looking at my watch.
"Why did you guys come so early?" He asks siting back on the bed.
"So we can get our day started with Violet, if they let us." Zayn says.
"Obviously she's still sleeping." Harry says trying to whisper.

Then Violet shifts in her bed and rubs her eyes.
"Not anymore you loud baboons." She says after taking her oxygen mask off and putting it on the cart next to her bed.
"You guys may think you're whispering, but you're not." She says as she yawns and stretches.
"Sorry." We all chorus.
"So why are you all here?" She's asks me, Louis, Zayn, and Niall.
"We wanted to know if you would like to hang out with us today? Oh and your friends can come too if they're not too busy." I say smiling.
"Sure, but I have to get clearance from the hospital and my parents." She replies smiling cheerfully.
"Great." I reply.
"Let me get Nurse Jones in here." She reaches above her bed to press a blue button but brings her arm back down in pain. She clutches her side, her expression plastered with excruciating pain. Harry rushes to her side.
"Violet are you okay?" He asks her worried taking her hand in his. His hand huge compared to her little one.
"It's just my side. It'll be okay, just press the button." She groans out. He slams his hand on the button and tries to calm her. I feel like we should do something, but what can I do?
"Lay on your back maybe that will lessen the pain?" Zayn suggests. She does what Zayn said and lays flat on her back.
"What do you need me to do?" Harry asks still very worried.
"Nothing it's okay. It's just a cramp, I get these every now and then." She says groaning at the end.
Beeping begins to sound and the sliding doors open. Nurse Jones come in and sees Violet in pain.
"What's wrong Vi?" She says checking monitors and then her pulse.
"It's just a cramp, it'll pass." She breathes out tiredly. Violet groans and pulls herself into a ball.
"Do you want the injection to stop it or just let it pass?"
"Injection." Violet says as her body starts to spasm. Nurse Jones rushes out the doors and right back in.
"Harry I need you to hold her down." She instructs.
"Okay. Liam can you hold her legs down while I hold her upper body?" He asks looking at me.
"Yeah, of course."
I rush to Violet's bed and hold down her legs as Harry holds down her upper body. Nurse Jones readies the needle and raises Violet's shirt. She rubs the alcohol pad on Violet's skin then sticks the needle into her side near her hip. Nurse Jones injects the medication and pulls out the needle. We let go of Violet and step back waiting for her to stop spasming and for the pain to go away. Harry pets Violet's hair as she begins to breathe better and stop spasming. Within a minute Violet is back to normal.

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