Chapter 10

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Later at 12:15pm

I'm laying on the bed of the CAT Scan waiting for the test to begin. My parents are behind the glass in the room with Nurse Jones and Dr. Anderson. The others are waiting in mine and Darcy's room. Probably playing games or watching television. I place my arms under my head making somewhat a pillow for it. The scan with analyze my chest where the ping-pong sized tumor takes residents. The tumor used to be the size of a golf ball, but has now shrunken smaller. Which means that the chemotherapy and early radiation did its job and is hopefully still doing it. I close my eyes and distract myself from the loud machine. The next test is an MRI and after is a therapy session.

After about twenty minutes in the CAT Scan I'm done and headed to another twenty minute MRI.

When I finish the MRI I'm allowed to change back into my normal clothes and get out of the blue hospital gown that I always have to wear. My parents hug me and go to my room with the others. I hate therapy sessions because they make me feel like I'm unstable or something, but they do help when I need advise for something. Nurse Jones escorts me to Dr. Wu's office. She leaves me and I knock on the door. I hear a faint come in so I open the door and see Dr. Wu preparing a cup of tea for himself.

"Ah, Violet would like a cup of tea?" He asks smiling wide. He usually creeps me out because he's overly happy for someone who works with dying kids on a daily bases. Some of them even commit suicide and he acts like it doesn't affect him, but I'm sure it does.
"No thanks Dr. Wu, I'm good. But if you have a bottle of water that'd be great." I reply.
"Of course. Here you are." He says opening the mini fridge, that he has in his office, and hands me a bottle of water.
"Thanks." I say grabbing it from him.
"My pleasure, go ahead sit down." He motions to the chair that is set in the center of the room. The chair is such a cliche because its exactly like a typical therapy chair from the commercials or movies. I sit in it and lay back. He joins me in the chair across from mine after mixing his sugar in the tea.
"Alright Violet, how have you been?" He ask taking a sip of the tea.
"I've been good and you?" I ask opening the bottle of water and taking a small sip of it as well.
"I've been good thank you for asking. Now on a scale from 0 to 10, 10 being the worst, how stressed are you?"
"Maybe a 4 or 4.5"
"And why is that?"
"Because I've had an attack and chest cramping within a thirty hour time span. Also I've developed feelings for someone that I barely met yesterday. Plus it's annoying not to be able to be at home with my parents or at school, but it's also nice to have Darcy with me." I reply trying to not get into too much detail on the information that shared with him.
"Do you think it is a side effect to your illness or because of the medication? Also why do does it make you annoyed not being able to go home or go to a school?" He asks thankfully not bringing up the developing feelings.
"I don't know maybe it's both. It's a pain taking so many different medication everyday. From all the different pills to the injections." I say then continue, "I just wish I could go home with my parents and be able to see them everyday like a normal child would. I wish I could go to school with Jane and other people I know. I want a sense of normality. I don't get that here even if we do go to "school". I want to be able to interact with other people who aren't sick like me or with other fatal illnesses. It's so depressing in this hospital. I mean I knew some of the little kids that died in here and not seeing them like I used too makes it hard not to think that I'm next."
"Well all you can do is fight through it at the moment; I mean with your medication. As for being upset about not being able to go home or to school, you have to know that being in here is lessening you're chance of getting worse. You don't think I've felt terrible knowing that I no longer have patients to see because they've passed? It's hard Violet but that is how life is. We all die someday, unfortunately they did early in their life, but that only teaches us to live life with a smile and to the fullest. Changing the subject, I've noticed that you've been getting better with your studies as well." He comments then adds, "What brought about this new motivation?"
"I realized I wasn't even trying and I was getting descent grades so when I began to actually try I started acing everything." I simply reply.
"That's impressive I must say, good job on motivating yourself. Now I hear you say earlier that you're developing feelings for someone you met yesterday, are you talking about Mr. Styles from that band?" He asks and I sigh. I was dearly hoping he wouldn't ask. I take a sip of water and get ready to tell Dr. With everything from yesterday and today and what Harry wants to do tomorrow.
"Yes I am." I say looking at him and he smiles then raises an eyebrow.
"Do elaborate on that please." He replies and wags his eyebrows. We both laugh and I begin telling him about Harry. I tell him about how I didn't want any of them to know yesterday that I had cancer and about us going to dinner and them finding out. I tell him about Harry taking me to the cliff and the kiss we shared.

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