Chapter 8

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When we get to the hospital and I notify Nurse Jones. She tells me to just go to my room and she'll be there to run vitals and things like that. Harry parks in the parking lot and we get out of the car heading inside the hospital. As we're getting to the entrance we get ambushed by paparazzi. Harry keeps me close to his side that's away from them and continues to push threw them. We get inside and I look at Harry then bust out laughing. His face had a shocked and confused expression.

"What?" He asks as we get into the elevator.
"That was funny. Scary at first, then fun." I reply calming down from my laughter.
"You're a dork Violet." He chuckles and I laugh lightly.
"I'm tired, so anything is hilarious right now." I reply.
"I know what you mean, that hasn't affected me yet surprisingly." He smiles then the elevator doors open to the floor I stay on. I step out and look at him as he stays in the elevator.
"You can join me you know."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Harry. Come on." I say motioning him with my hand to follow me. He steps out of the elevator just as the doors were about to close.
"Smooth." I smirk and he winks.

We walk the halls that are so familiar to me, but are probably a maze to Harry. We walk side by side and I see other nurses look at us with amazed and shocked expressions. Harry is of course a superstar so they're probably just star-struck. They begin whispering after we walk by them.
"You're the one they're whispering about." I tell Harry as we continue walking to my room.
"Figured. It's a bit annoying sometimes, you know?"
"I don't know, but I understand. I'd get a bit annoyed if I was at a store and know that people are talking about me or staring at me."
"Finally, someone other then me and the boys understands." He throws his hands in the air exasturbated. I giggle and shake my head.
"I'm sure your other celebrity buddies understand too." I point out.
"Yeah, but someone other than a celebrity understands."
"Okay, hush your voice a little I need to check if Darcy is asleep."

I slide open our room door and the light beeping begins. It's so annoying sometimes. We can never leave the door open unless they turn off the alarm. I look at Darcy's bed and notice she's not there. Where could she be? The bathroom light is off so she's not in there or in my bed. I turn on the room light and open the door for Harry to come inside. I shut them both so the beeping would stop. I text Nurse Jones and tell her that I'm in my room and Harry is still with me.

"This is a cool room that you guys share." Harry says looking around.
"Thanks. The girly side is Darcy's and this lovely music themed side is mine." I smile.
"I love all the pictures of the musicians. You have song lyrics on the wall as well." He says scanning the words. Then a smile creeps onto his face. He walks over to the wall near the window and points at a lyric and a photo. Oh no! It's his picture.
"You have one of our lyrics on the wall and this picture I must say is fantastic, who is this fine fellow?" He smirks folding his arms across his chest.
"Oh yeah I do and that's this guy who's in a boyband. He's a Brit too, which makes him more attractive, you know because of the accent. He's very attractive." I finish and put my arms across my chest like him.
"Oh really, what band?"
"I think he's from 5 Seconds of Summer. I'm not sure, I could be wrong." I tease.
"Oh I think you're wrong love."
"Yeah you're right, he's from The Wanted." I say trying to keep a straight face, but I can't and I burst into laughter. He does too and pulls me into his side, then wraps an arm around my shoulder as we look at his picture.
"You know the ones I took of you today are pretty awesome." I say smiling to myself.
"I bet. I'd like to see them sometime." He says then looks down at me and winks.
"Sure. I just need to get them developed." I reply and turn to the doors when I hear the beeping go off. Nurse Jones walks in with a cart that has my medication, a bigger oxygen mask, some pills, water bottles, some snacks, and some drinks that look like juice. I can't really tell until I walk up to her and see that it's apple juice! I love apple juice it's great.
"Alright Vi, you should get ready for bed and Harry I brought these for you just in case you wanted something to drink or eat. You kids were out very late." She raises an eyebrow at me I raise my hands up in surrender.
"What? We didn't do anything, we were talking the whole time."
"Yeah, sure." She smirks.
"I'm not joking!" I try to defend both Harry and I.
"We didn't do anything Miss Jones, I swear." Harry says wide eyed.
"I believe him." She smiles.
"Why don't you believe me?" I ask upset.
"I did. I just wanted to see your reactions." She laughs.
"You're mean. By the way where is Darcy?"
"She's in quarantine. Her lungs are having a hard time because of being out of the hospital for so long." She says checking her watch.
"Is she okay though?" I ask worried still.
"Yeah, she's doing fine. She just had trouble breathing a little bit." She explained.
"Oh okay." I say relieved.
"Go change so we can start." She shoo's me off.
"I'm going, I'm going." I say in defense and go to my drawer to get my pajamas. I head into the bathroom and start changing.
When I come out Harry is siting on the couch next to the window and Jones just finished setting up everything. By the look of it I think they were talking. I lay on my bed and look at Harry, we smile at each other.
"Alright Vi, lift up your shirt."
"Is this the one that hurts like hell?" I ask as I lift up the side of my shirt.
"Dang it, this one always makes me cry." I sigh and get ready for the pain. I squeeze my eyes shut when the needle goes through my skin. The medicine is super thick. It hurts and burns going into my body. I feel the tears about to come out, then I feel a hand on my head smoothing my hair. I open my eyes to see Harry smiling softly at me. I try to smile back without my tears falling, but that doesn't happen. A few tears fall down my face so I shut my eyes again and put my head down. I feel Harry's fingers wipe them away. Nurse Jones takes the needle out slowly and puts a cotton ball then a bandage to hold it there. She lets me lay on my side for a little longer then has me sit up. She gives me the three pills that I have to take before I go to bed and a water bottle. I take them one at a time since they're all big. When I'm done she sets up my oxygen mask so when I'm about to sleep I can just put it on and turn the machine on.
"Alright Vi, I'll be back to take your blood pressure." Nurse Jones says and leaves the room. I look at Harry ad he's smiling down at me.

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