Chapter 4

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Violet's POV

After their rehearsal I needed to use they bathroom so I asked security were it was. One of them escorted me over there. He asked if I wanted him to wait for me, but I declined and he smiled said goodbye then left. I go inside and do my business. When I come out I instantly know I am lost. I hear the sound check people messing with the boy's microphones so I try to follow that noise, but I'm terribly lost. As I'm about to take out my cell phone, I hear a voice greet me. I turn to see Harry.

"Hello love, you lost?" He asks gently.

"Yeah, I came to use the restroom but when I got out I didn't know where I was." I say embarrassed.

"Well I could take you back to your friends if you want?" He sweetly offers. I feel like I could burst at any moment. My feelings are everywhere right now.

"That would be great." I smile.

"Alright follow me." He lends out his arm for me to loop mine in. I do and we begin walking.

"So Violet, that is your name right?" He asks unsure.

"Yes, it is." I reply.

"Thank goodness. Okay, Violet, how are you enjoying today so far?" He says smiling down looking at me.

"I'm enjoying it very happily today. I don't think I have smiled this much in a long time." I admit.

"Oh really? Why is that?"

"Certain circumstances is all." I say again and I can tell he's curious.

"You said that when we met, what do you mean by that?"

"Well, it's something I would rather not talk about." I say trying to avoid this conversation now.

"Okay, I won't pressure you into to telling me something if you don't want too."

"Thank you Harry." I smile at him and squeeze his arm a little.

"Not a problem love."

"Are we almost there?" I ask changing the subject.

"I wanted to show you something before we go back." He says smirking. My heart is pounding fast, ready to burst from my chest.

"Oh, okay." I say trying not to let him hear the nervousness in my voice.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad."

"I trust you."

We continue walking away from the stage and start walking up flights of stairs. I can feel my lungs getting ready to collapse. I shouldn't push myself so hard, but I don't want him to know about my cancer. The chemotherapy makes me really weak and it's annoying. I get pity from everyone else, so I don't want it from him. My chest is aching by the time we get to a door that he says leads to something breath-taking.

"Ready?" He asks smiling softly.

"Yes." I reply.

He opens the door and a beautiful scenery of the city is shown. I walk through the door in awe. The city looks amazing from here. I take out my camera that I have in my little purse that's at my side. I begin taking pictures. I hear Harry chuckle so I turn to look at him.

"What?" I ask now embarrassed.

"Nothing, you're just cute." He replies.

"Oh. Well when I see something beautiful I want to photograph it so I can keep it to look back at." I say and continue to take pictures.

"Me too. I like that you enjoy photography." He says. I look back at him and we're smiling at each other.

"It's a hobby of mine when I have can get out of the hosp- when I have time for it." I say trying to save myself from almost saying hospital. I really hope he didn't pick up on it.

"I do it when we are at exotic places or wherever something looks beautiful." He replies. Thank goodness he didn't catch what I almost said.

"Harry I think we should get back to the others." I sigh now feeling the ache in my chest.

"Okay." He says, but it sounds like he's sad.

We begin walking down the stairs, which is much easier, after he closes the door. The walk was silent, but not awkward. The guys are talking with Jane and Darcy when Harry and me get back to the stage.

"Well look who's back." Louis says smirking.

"Where'd you go Grey?" Jane asks.

"The restroom, then I got lost." I say.

"But I found her and we were walking around before we came back here." Harry adds.

"Well Nurse Jones was looking for you Grey." Darcy says with then raises an eyebrow and moves her head over to where Nurse Jones was.

"Okay. Um, I'll be back." I say and hurry to Nurse Jones who is on the phone. I rush off the stage to her. I get to her and she holds up a finger as she continues talking on the phone. When she's done she looks at me like I'm in major trouble.

"Where have you been?! I've been looking for you! I called you and texted you Violet!" She exclaims but not loud enough for everyone to hear her.

"I didn't get anything. I must have lost signal." I say checking my phone. Then messages and missed phone calls began popping up. Oops.

"I was just talking with Dr. Andrew and I told him about what happened earlier. He says that when you get back he's going to run some tests to make sure everything is okay." She tells me.

"Okay. Sorry about earlier again." I apologize.

"It's fine, but where were you?" She asks once more.

"I went to the restroom but I got lost as I was about to call someone Harry found me. He was going to help me back, but he showed me this beautiful place where the scenery of the city is magnificent instead." I tell her, my voice getting higher as I get more excited. Nurse Jones shakes her head at me smiling.

"Oh child, you need to work on calming yourself down when it comes to these boys." She laughs.

"I know, I'm working on it." I laugh back.

"Okay well go back over there. Mr. Styles hasn't taken his eyes off of you since you got here." She says and nods her head in his direction. When I look he nervously waves and I wave back.

"He's so cute." I say and she rolls her eyes then tells me to go back over there. So I do.

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