Chapter 7

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After we all finished our dinner we begin to get ready to leave. I put on my coat slowly as I begin to start feeling pain in my chest and back. Harry helps me and I give him a thankful look. He nods his head down acknowledging my gratitude. As we're about to start loading into car, because the limos left, I see Harry talking to my parents. I look away from them and look up into the sky where all the stars are shining. A small smile appeared on my face and I closed my eyes. The beauty of the night is breath taking. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I open my eyes to see my dad smiling down at me.

"Hey beauty." He says and smiles.
"Hi dad." I smile back.
"Harry asked if he could take you for a little while. You're mother and I said it was okay, but it's up to you if you want to go." He says, then adds, "This is a once in life time thing to be driving around with a celebrity, it'll be just you two also."

I look at my dad and raise an eyebrow. He'd never let me stay out with anyone later than midnight, especially with a boy.

"You sure dad, because the last time I asked to stay out with a group of my friends you picked me up at 10:30pm instead of 11:30pm like we had agreed on." I laugh slightly.
"Yeah, well this is your biggest celebrity crush and I say why not. Plus if he does something just let me know. I know people, who know people, who know other people that can kick some butt." He says laughing as I laugh along as well. He pulls me into a hug then kisses the top if my head.
"I love you Princess and I think you should go with him." He says then walks back to my mother. Harry comes up to me and smiles small.
"Hi Violet, I was talking with your parents and I was wondering if you would like to join me for a couple more hours tonight? I got their blessing, but it's up to you." He says calmly.
"I would love too, but don't you need to rest? You did have a long and energetic concert this evening."
"I've got about two weeks to rest after tonight, but I understand if you don't want too." He says as his head begins to fall down in disappointment.
"No, it's okay. I do want to go." I reply and smile when lifts his head back up and looks at me also smiling.
"Okay, great! My car is here so we can leave now if you'd like?" He offers.
"Sure leg me just say goodbye to my parents and friends."
"Go ahead I need to tell the guys."

We go our separate ways and I tell my parents that I've accepted Harry's offer. They kiss and hug me goodbye and get into their car. Then I walk to the hospital van and tell Nurse Jones and the girls that I won't be accompanying them. The girls wag their eyebrows at me and I shake my head laughing.

"Darcy sorry about tonight." I apologize feeling bad for what I said about her.
"It's not a problem Grey. I'm getting much better anyways. I was going to wait to tell you this but might as well now. I'm back to stage one of cancer. I automatically hug her and she does the same back.
"That's fantastic! Wow! Congratulations!" I yell excited.
"Thank you. Now go to lover boy! I don't know if you know this by now, but Harry seems to really like you." Darcy says and chuckles along with Jane.
"Oh whatever. I don't it." I reply.
"You'll see." Jane says in singing tone.
"Okay I should probably go." I say and start getting out of the van. Before I leave though, Nurse Jones hands me an injection and my oxygen mask with the little machine just in case I need it.

I thank her and she nods. I walk back to Harry and he's waiting outside his car looking at his shoes.

"Hello." I chime as I get closer to him. His head pops up and smiles.
"Hello, are you ready?" He asks smiling still.

He opens the door of the car for me and holds it until I'm fully inside. His car is beautiful! I love Audi's! I've never been inside one, I've always seen them on a computer screen or in a car lot. It's beautiful. Harry gets inside and we buckle up.

"Where would you like to go?" He asks.
"I don't know, wherever you want to take me." I reply.
"Okay well lets see... Oh! I've got an idea!" He says happily.
"Okay." I laugh at his reaction.
"Would you like to listen to the radio?" He asks with a raised eyebrow as his eyes stay glued on the street since he's driving.

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