Chapter 11

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We have just pulled into Dave and Busters. Somehow the paparazzi followed us from the hotel and stalked us here. The security of the building didn't allow them inside without leaving their cameras at the front first, some refused and others obliged. My parents got us a party room so we could have privacy. The waitress took our orders and brought our drinks. My parents were siting across from me, Darcy was on my right and Harry was on my left. As my parents began talking with Darcy, Harry took my hand and kissed it. I turn to him and stared at him with a curious smile as my eyebrows moved inward.

"What was that for?" I ask.
"I just felt like doing it. I hope you didn't mind." He says taking his hand back and places it on his lap nervously.
"I don't mind," I say taking his hand back interlocking our fingers, "as long as you don't."

He smiles at me and gives my hand a light squeeze.

"So who's up for playing the arcade games!" Louis joyfully yelled. Everyone cheers, including my parents, and we get up heading for the arcade. Before we left I asked if the security guards, that came with us here, wanted to join us but they shook their heads saying that they'll watch over our belongs instead. Harry and I thanked them and headed to the arcade hand in hand. Some of the people, including some very pissed off teenage girls, watched Harry and I as we caught up with the others.

"And the hate begins..." I mutter under my breath trying not to be loud enough for Harry to hear, but apparently he heard it.
"Don't mind them, they're just upset that they aren't the ones with us." He looks at me softly.
"I know." I sigh.
"Lets fill the card with money so we can play." Harry wiggles his eyebrows with a wide smile across his face.
We laugh and I let him lead me to the machine that we put money in and it gives us our play card. I watch him casually pull out a hundred dollar bill. He puts it in the machine but it doesn't take it. He furrows his eyebrows looking at the machine. He tries again but the machine spits it back out. Harry was about to try again when I stopped him and pointed to the sign on the machine. The sign says that the highest bill it takes is a twenty. Harry groaned and we walked to the change machine that is further down from the play card machine. Harry puts in the hundred dollar bill and the machine takes it and processes for a moment then gives out five twenties. In frustration, Harry walks back to the machine and begins filling it with money. He presses the button and it gives us our card with a hundred dollars in it. He smiles at me in success and grabs my hand again.

"Why did you put so much in the card?" I ask, being a bit nosy.
"So you can have a fun time without worrying about filling up the card again." He smiles kissing my hand once more. The feeling of his lips touching my skin sends electricity through my body.
"What about you, don't you want to play too?"
"I'll play every now and then I don't really know how to play most of the stuff that's in here." He shrugs. "Now come on, start playing." He tightens his grip on my hand softly and leads me to some of the games.
"You didn't have to do that, but thank you Harry." I smile and squeeze his hand lightly then bring it to my lips to kiss the top of his hand. He smiles down at me with a slight cherry blush appearing on his cheeks. I made him blush. Wow.

After playing some games we were notified that our food was ready so we headed back to our table. Harry held my hand again and this time I heard whispers from some of the teenage girls, calling me names and other things. I sigh soft enough only for me to hear. I wonder if the other girls that Harry has dated ever felt the way I'm feeling right now? They probably have, but they get that almost everyday since they're celebrities. I don't want to have the pressure of being judged and hated for no apparent reason. We take our seats once again and our food is all set. As we're eating we hear a little girls voice asking if she could come in and say hi to the boys. She looked about six years old with long wavy brown hair and pretty hazel eyes. This little girl is prettier then I will ever be in my life... The guys tell security to allow her in. She smiles widely I could tell that she was trying not to scream.

"Hello sweetie, what's your name?" Harry asks as he gets out of his chair to greet the little girl.
"Lauren." She replies shyly as Harry takes her hand and guides her to where the other guys were.
"Now Lauren, you wanted to have a picture taken?" He asks her smiling and kneeling in front of her.
"Yes, please." She says playing with the bottom of her shirt.
"Let's take this picture then cutie." He taps her nose and she giggles. I watch them talk to the little girl as they get ready to take a picture with her. Her mom comes and takes the picture of them with her and they take a couple with different poses. Each other them give the girl a kiss on the cheek as she giggles.
"Thank you!" She cheers happily. Just as the little girl and her mom were about to leave she tugs on Harry's pants. He looks down at her and smiles.
"Yes love?"
She motions for him to come down so she can whisper in his ear. He bends down and she cups her hands around his ear and tells him something. He looks up at me with a smile and takes the girls hand and leads her my way.
"Go ahead sweetie." Harry says letting go of her hand as she walks up to me. I look at Harry confused but smiling then back at the girl.
"I just wanted to tell you that you're really pretty and that you and Harry are cute together." She smiles and slightly giggles. I smile at her.
"Thank you. You're way prettier than I am though." I reply and she looks down shyly.
"When I grow up I want to be beautiful like you." She smiles and I get out of my chair then kneel in front of her.
"You're already beautiful little one, don't let anyone tell up otherwise, okay?" I say and she looks at me and nods.
"Okay." She smiles and gives me a hug. I hug her back, gently squeezing her.
"What kind of bracelet is that?" She asks curiously poking at my medical band.
"It's a medical band. I'm sick so if I go anywhere and something happens they know we're to take me and what's wrong with me." I reply as I let her examine the band.
"Oh well I hope you get better." She smiles and hugs me again. She says goodbye to me and to the others and runs back to her mother. The mother looks at us and thanks us as well. We wave goodbye to them and return to our seats.
"So Violet, looks like you've got yourself a fan." Jane laughs along with Darcy.
"Oh shut it." I laugh and throw a piece of broccoli at her. She catches it and eats it. We all laugh and begin eating again. I look at Harry and he smiles at me. I return the favor.

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