Chapter 14 Part-1

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Last Day that the boys are with Violet...

Today is the day that I have been dreading. Harry and the guys are leaving to start up their tour again. Thankfully they aren't leaving till like midnight, but still I can't help but be bummed. All this happy-go-lucky fun will be over. Serious business starts after today. I'm going back to school with Darcy and Jane and after that I have to apply to college and make sure I get in and plan out my future that I'm not even sure about. Plus I have to figure out a career I want to pursue. The thing that's haunting me the most right now, is what if this "Harry Styles Mystery Girl" thing is just a fling? A fling like the tabloids have been saying ever since the boys were spotted with me, my family and my friends. What if Harry really doesn't ever get back in contact with me? What if that vacation they said isn't really true? What if I'm just a publicity stunt? The title of it being, "Harry Styles With His Cancerous Charity Case". It's hard to think about this and stay calm while I'm eating breakfast with everyone in the dinning room. Apparently some of them are noticing like my parents.

"Violet, are you okay? You're oddly quiet this morning." My father ask as he points out the obvious.
"I'm fine, just thinking." I say leaving out the part that my over thinking is giving me anxiety. My dad gives me a look as to say that I will be telling him later and I nod back in agreement.

We all finish our food and my parents have a day planned out with all of us. So he says we're going to start what he calls, The Most Fantastical Day Ever!
I go up to my room in silence to get dressed. Once I'm almost done there's a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yell from my bathroom. I here my room door open and my two best friends poke their heads through the halfway closed bathroom door. They're smiling widely.

"Hey Grey!" Jane says excited.
"Hey Jane, I thought we were picking you up?" I say happy to see her.
"Oh yeah, you guys were but I told my mom to just drop me off so she did." She says casually and shrugs her shoulders.
"Cool." I reply trying to get a piece of my stubborn hair to stay back.
"Vi, why were you so quiet this morning?" Darcy asks as she sits herself on the long sink countertop.
"Oh, it was nothing. I was just thinking." I reply quickly, too quick for them to let it go.
"It wasn't just nothing if you were absolutely quiet." Darcy replies back.
"Seriously, I'm fine. I was just over thinking things is all." I shrug and sigh happily after I finally get the one piece of hair to stay put. It's so hard sometimes with this short hair of mine. I turn to them and smile.

"Grey you know you can tell us anything right?" Jane smiles softly.
"I know, I'm fine though, honestly." I smile again and this time it seems to be convincing enough for them to let it go.
We walk out of my room and down to the living room where we are all meeting until everyone is ready. All of the guys are sitting on the couch messing around with each other, except for Harry and Liam. Liam is on his phone talking to someone and Harry is sitting with one leg over the other looking down at his phone. Darcy and Jane greet the boys again but I take a right to the kitchen. I need to get a water to calm myself down seeing Harry makes me anxious now instead of being full of glee. Plus the detour lets me take my medication. I open the fridge and get out a water bottle and my pill holder. Today is Friday so it's three pills instead of the usual five and today is also my day for a shot. Thankfully either I can do the shot or my parents or anyone else that I think will do it correctly. After swallowing the three pills I get out the shot and needle. It has to go in my side closer to my hip then my ribs. I yell out to my mom so she can help me today. I could hear her in the living room talking to my dad. My mom comes quickly into the kitchen with wide eyes then she calms down and my father comes in right behind her. Both of the sigh in relief.

"Sorry, did I sound in pain? I didn't mean to." I apologize quickly.
"It's okay, did you want to take your shot already?" My mom asks walking over to me.
"Yeah, I figured I'd take it now so I won't be sluggish throughout the day." I reply and she just nods. My father comes up to us as my mom rubs the alcohol pad on my skin to sterilize it. He distracts me usually so I don't have to focus on the pain of the medicine going through my body.
"Hey pumpkin." He smiles
"Hey dad." I reply as the needle goes through my skin. I suck in a breath and bite my lip.
"Are you okay? You seemed down this morning." He says looking at me softly.
"Yeah, I'm good. I was just thinking."
"Oh, okay Do you want to talk about it?" He AMA's raising his eyebrow with concern.
"No, I'm okay thanks though." I reply.
"Well are you ready for today?" He asks and I feel the last of the medicine go into my body and my mom pulls out the needle. She puts a piece of folded gauze then some medical tape across it as usual.
"Yeah, I'm ready." I say pulling down my shirt. "Where are we even going?"
"It's a surprise darling."
"Awe come on dad." I plead. "Aren't I your little princess?" I smirk and he laughs crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yes you are, but you're not getting anything out of me my dear."
I huff and cross my arms, "Fine."
My dad smiles and rubs my back. "Sorry pumpkin."
"It's fine father, I know you don't love me." I tease.
"Well at lest now you know the truth, that weight is lifted off my back." He teases back but I just poke him in the side. We walk back into the living room where everyone is quiet and staring intensely at us.
"It's okay guys, she was fine. She just needed her shot." My mother clarified and then all sighed in relief. I guess I scared them too. Oops.
We all got into like a van that's made to hold ten people. My parents probably ordered this. Security would ride in another car. We all get in my parents in the front, father is driving and mother is in the passenger seat. Next row fits three people so Darcy, Niall, and Louis sit there. Then reject seat fits three as well and Jane, Liam, and Zayn sit there. The last row in the back of the car there are two seats and this where Harry and me sit. On our way out of the house Harry grabbed my hand as we walked out towards the van. I wanted to pull my hand away, but I didn't. I don't know what has gotten over me. This day is supposed to e fun so I need to stop thinking about this situation of me possibly being a fling for Harry. My father turns on the van and beings to drive to wherever we're heading. Everyone is talking except for me and Harry. Me being an idiot is making the ride awkward.

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