Chapter 13

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Louis's POV

After I wake up and realize I'm not in the hotel room that we've been staying at. I get up to look for a bathroom. Finally I find one and relieve my bladder. When I walk back into the living room, I notice that the rest of the guys are leaving, well except for Harry. He disappeared last night with Violet. They wave goodbye to me as Darcy closes the door. She turns around and smiles at me.
"Where did they go?" I ask curious.
"They wanted to go back to the hotel room. But they were going to go with their girlfriends, except for Niall he wanted to sleep more." He chuckles.
"Oh, well is it just you and me?" I ask hesitant.
"Violet and Harry are in her room, I checked about two hours ago." Darcy smirks as do I.
"Want to mess with them?" I wag my eyebrows.
"I'd love too. It would be an honor to prank with you." She smiles becoming excited.
"Okay... Lets get this started." I say cracking my knuckles as we walk into the kitchen.

Harry's POV
(An hour and a half earlier)

I wake up with Violet not in my arms. In fact she's not even on the bed. Wiping my eyes, I hear a faint tune. Curiosity getting the best of me has me walk closer to the bathroom door. I hear her voice along with the running water of the shower through the closed door. She's singing "Like I'm Gonna Lose You" by Meghan Trainer. Her voice goes great with that song, she's singing acapella too. She's amazing. I just hope I can keep her interested in me.

Violet's POV
(An hour and a half earlier)

Once I'm done with my amazing shower, I dry myself off and get dressed. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I don't look tired anymore. I style my hair in a way that would go with my outfit. Once I'm done I walk out of the bathroom and see that Harry is awake and not in the clothes he slept in last night. He's dressed in tight skinny jeans (really tight), with a nice sheer top and of course his Chelsea boots. He looks handsome and cute. Once he sees me, he sits up in the bed.

"Morning sunshine." He says as I walk towards him.
"Morning. How did you sleep?" He asks as I sit on the bed next to him.
"It was nice, calming and relaxing. What about yours?" I reply.
"Same, I had a nice dream." He wags his eyebrows.
"What was your dream about?"
"You and me. We were older and we were on vacation somewhere tropical." He says shrugging, but smirking too.
"What Styles, why are you smirking?"
"Oh nothing, you just looked good in your bikini." He tries to hold in his laughter and fails. I join in on the laughter also.

* * *
Later that Day...

Today has been a pretty calm day, up until now. Harry, Louis Darcy, and I are out shopping since I wasn't able to go on the little trip with Harry. The fans have spotted us and its beginning to get a bit hectic, like this morning when Darcy and Louis tried to prank us. They obviously failed because we were already awake and their idea looked all planned out too. Oh well, thank goodness for me and Harry being awake.
As we continue to shop, more girls and paparazzi surrounded us. I'm beginning to get more and more claustrophobic... Breathe Violet, breathe. Harry looks down at me and sees my panicked expression. He pulls me closer to him and holds me tight. His arm is around my waist as we walk and girls begin to shout out ugly names and things to me. My eyes water, but I don't let anything fall down. I try to get Harry's arm off of me but he's not budging.
"Harry, let go of me." I say to him and he looks at me with a sad and confused expression.
"They're calling me names Harry, because you have your arm around me, let go." I repeat again. Only this time he stops us from walking, along with Louis and Darcy. He looks down at me since he's so freaking tall and back to the crowd of people.
"This girl has done nothing to you, so if you would please stop calling her all those ugly names that would be greatly appreciated." Harry yells to the crowd. Not with an angered tone, but more of a protective one. The crowd is quiet for a bit except for the clicking sound of cameras. We begin walking again and some of the crowd disperses while others stay to chant out Harry's and Louis's names and sing One Direction songs. Harry grabs my hand which makes me hesitant. I want to pull my hand away but I know it's just the jealousy of the girls getting to me, so I leave my small in his ginormous one. We walk quietly until we get to other stores and Harry pulls me into a store that I didn't get to see what the name was, while Darcy and Louis go into another.

"Violet look!" Harry exclaims and I look his way. He's holding a little kitten. It's the most precious looking thing ever. It's so small and adorable. I smile and walk to Harry who is still holding the kitten, but on my way I see a small Teacup Yorkie puppy. It's so cute! I pick it up and show Harry also.
"Isn't he the cutest!" I squeal and pet the dog softly.
"Yeah, so is this little guy here," he says petting the kittens fur.
"I want you so bad," I whin slightly, "but I don't think my parents will allow you in our home."
"Why don't I get him for you?" Harry suggests shrugging his shoulders.
"No he's very expensive I can't have you paying that much, plus I don't know if my parents will allow it." I say trying to not allow him to get the puppy for me.
"It's okay, I'm okay with it. I just need to ask your parents." He smiles and winks making me become a blushing mess.
"No Harry it's okay, come on let's go find Darcy and Louis."
"If you insist. I really don't mind though." He smiles while taking my hand in his.
"I know you don't." I laugh as we walk out of the store.

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