Chapter three: Meeting my guardian

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Sara's P.O.V.

It's been a couple of days since the funeral and all I could think about was the mysterious man's words.

Right now Jen, Liz, Sky, and I are heading to my house after shopping a little. As I'm pulling up to my house I see a sleek black Range Rover park in my spot. I look at the girls confused but pull in next to it.

As I'm getting Skylar out as well as our stuff I hear a car door close and ignore it. I hear a gasp that I knew too well. I look at Liz and see her looking behind me so I turn around and see the mystery god-man.

He walks towards me and I get a look at what he is wearing. Today he is wearing another suit and can I say he looks just as yummy. I must have been staring too long because I feel Liz nudge my shoulder and they all chuckled at my misery. I know my cheeks are on fire right now.

One question kept going around in my head. How the hell does he know where I live.

"Hi?" I say but it sounds more like a question. What is he doing here?

"I think we should talk about a few things. Do you mind if we go inside?" Mystery man asks.

I look at Liz and Jen and they shrug their shoulders. Skylar is starting to get fussy so I just nod. They all follow me inside and go into the living room.

"Does anyone want something to eat or drink? I have to make Sky a bottle either way." I say to the people in my living room. Jen and Liz are watching the mystery man like a hawk.

But when I mention food they simultaneously look at me.

"Do you have cookies? I swear no cookies are as good as yours." Liz says with excitement in her eyes. Jen nods along with her.

I chuckle at them and nod.

"Can we have some with milk pretty please?" Liz practically begs.

"Yeah, I'll bring some out. What about you? We have water, orange and apple juice, beer, Pepsi, and Diet Pepsi." I say to the mysterious man who looks confused now.

"Why do you have beer?"

My father was an alcoholic, we always had beer or some type of liquor in the fridge." I answer while the girls look down.

I'm not embarrassed. It is what it is.

"Sure I'll take diet Pepsi." the man says.

"Coming right up," I say to them.

I put Skylar in his playpen I have set up in the living room and he starts to cry. Okay, I guess the baby is coming with me.

"Liz, can you get me the baby carrier from my room so I can carry him?" I say to my friend.

"Yes ma'am."

She walks upstairs to my room and Jen follows her. I pick Skylar back up to make him stop crying because he is loud. I walk into the kitchen and start making his bottle while he's sitting on my hip.

By the time I'm done they bring the baby carrier out. I hand Skylar to Jen and he starts crying so she hands him to Liz who looks unfazed by his crying. I strap the baby carrier on me then put him in it and bounce a little. I put his bottle in his mouth and he stoops crying.

"You guys can go in the living room now. I'll bring the stuff in a minute."

They nod because they know I won't let them help.

By the time I am done getting everything they want Skylar was asleep. I walk back to the living room with the cookies and milk and hand it to the girls. They quietly say thank you. I walk back into the kitchen grab two diet Pepsis and two glasses and walk back into the living room. I hand a glass and a Pepsi to the man then sit down.

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